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act two,  chapter twelve

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Andrea Townsend & Aiden Zhang

"We are not going on as their understudies." The cousins say simultaneously.

"See, Miss Jenn never casted a Cogsworth understudy so i'm stuck as a stupid clock for the rest of my life." Aiden says, making Andrea punch his shoulder. "Hey, at least i'm not stupid enough to try and catch a falling Ricky."

"I wasn't trying to catch Ricky, I was trying to push Ashlyn out of the way so we didn't have to play Belle and Beast together for opening night." Andrea rolls her eyes. "And it mostly worked, by the way."

"You sprained your ankle and were on crutches for a week, Andy."

"Well, i'm fine now. All healed see." Andrea does an extension, showing off her healed ankle.

Andrea Townsend

"Okay, so maybe it still hurts a little." The camera zooms in on the girl. "Fine, maybe a little more than a little, but everything's going to be fine. It has to be."

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"Woah, someone's looking very... eyebrow-y tonight." Andrea says, approaching the boy. "It's an interesting look on you, that's for sure."

"Well, you look great." EJ says, making the girl curtsy. He checks the girl's foot, making her nervous that he'd still be able to see the swell.

"What? Oh, my pointe shoes? Yeah, they're new. I broke them in yesterday." Andrea quickly averts his attention, hoping to make him less attentive to her ankle. "Probably not the best idea, but it looks a lot better than my older shoes."

"Either way, I know you'll do amazing."

"We'll see. I was benched for a while." Andrea says, staring down at her outfit. "There's a lot weighing on this Prologue, even if it's just for a short amount of time."

"Just forget about the Menkies tonight, sunny. Have fun."


EJ looks down at the girl, worried.

EJ Caswell

"She's been really distant lately. It can't just be because of her ankle." EJ thinks for a second. "Did Aid tell her about how I feel? Is she-is she distancing herself because she doesn't want to... Oh. That makes a lot of sense."

"Enchantress, curtains up in 5."

"I should probably–" Andrea points behind the boy.

"Yeah, good luck."

"Thanks EJ."

Andrea walks over to the side curtains, placing her fake nose over her real one. She takes a few shaky deep breaths, hissing slightly in pain.

"You got this. Just breathe."

"Hey, Andy. You all right?"

"Mmhm." Is all the auburn haired girl is able to get out, shaking her body off to get herself to relax.

"We all know you are going to do great. You are the best dancer we know and—"

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" Andrea blurts out, making her surprised by herself. "Sorry, i'm sorry. It's just— There's someone really important out in the audience right now. They could change my life."

dancer's heart  |  hsmtmtsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora