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act two,   chapter fourteen
bad intel

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"I think you should talk to her, Aid. I really don't think her brother knew what he was talking about."

"It wasn't just her brother, Andy. Her mom seems to believe that Gina sees me as this big brother figure too." Aiden says, sadly looking down at his pizza. "I guess I just misread the signs."

"I don't think you did." Andrea pats her brother's back before making her way back over to her seat. "He's a wreck."

"It must be going around tonight." EJ says, tossing an arm around the girl.

The room erupts in boos, making the two turn to the front to see Lily, Antoine, and Leo walk into the pizza place. "Okay, easy, Wildcats."

"We come in peace." Leo says, a bouquet of roses in his hand.

"Yeah, we just came to congratulate you all."

"It is true. Your show has a beginning, a middle, and an end. It was wonderful." Antoine says, making Andrea scoff. "And Big Red, you were also in it."

"Right and how about I take this big red fist and pun—"

"Okay, well, thank you guys for dropping by." Ricky quickly tries to deescalate the situation. "But this is kind of a private party so."

"Wait, Andrea." Leo approaches the girl, holding out the bouquet to here. "I couldn't find you after the show so, here. I hope your ankle gets better. And I hope you got what you wanted."

Andrea takes the bouquet with a smile. "Thank you, Leo. And yes, I did."

"Well, congratulations." The boy nods before leaving with the other two North Highers.

"You're so lucky, Andy. That guy is so fine." Natalie says to the girl, making Andrea immediately glance over to EJ who was trying his best to act like he wasn't jealous.

"Uh, yeah. He's sweet, but not really my type."
Andrea looks away from EJ just as he turns to look back at her.

"The audacity."

"Can you guys imagine if they actually win at the Menkies?" Big Red asks the group.

Kourtney scoffs. "Honestly, and don't sue me, but I kind of don't care anymore if we win or lose to the competition."

"I actually feel the same." Gina adds.

"Okay, I thought it was just me."

"I mean, we did it, right? We already got everything we wanted." Big Red says, making Andrea smile. She definitely got what she wanted.

"But just let the whole competition go, after all this work?"

EJ removes his arm from the girl's shoulders and stands up from his seat, taking his place in front of everyone.

"If I can have a, uh, senior moment here. I've won a bunch of trophies over the years, you guys. But i'd trade it all for this group right here tonight." EJ says, looking around at everyone before landing on Andrea, letting his eyes linger seconds longer than the rest.

"I second that." Aiden nods, holding up his cup of soda in recognition.

"So, what are we going to tell Miss Jenn?"

"What else is there to say?" Andrea shrugs.

"The envelope, please." Miss Jenn and Mr.Mazzara enter the pizza place, making the group look around at each other. "Wildcats. I have in my hands the nominations for the Alan Menken Awards for Excellence in High School Musical Theater. I haven't opened it yet, but who's ready for the biggest moment of the year?"

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