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act two, chapter six
shining star

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"Relax, Andy. You're just here to dance and for pizza. Nothing special, just dance and pizza." The girl takes a deep breath as she approaches the somewhat familiar front doors of the studio. "Townsends don't get nervous, especially in situations like these so calm down and—"

The door bursts open, making the girl freeze. "Andrea!" Leo says, greeting the girl with a wave. "Hey, glad you could make it."

"Me too." Andrea plasters on a smile and meeting the boy at the door. "It'll be good to be taking another class again, not gonna lie."

"Yeah, about that." Leo says, a small smirk appearing on his face. "I kind of lied."


"I only lied about me teaching a dance class today." Leo says, moving to the side so that the girl could enter. "Today is actually our studio's monthly mini showcase. We give anyone who wants to participate a theme at the beginning of the month and they have to either use pre-existing choreography from on outside source or make up their own that matches the theme."

"So, i'm not dancing today?"

"Not necessarily." Leo says, vaguely, leading the girl down the hall to the biggest room in the building. "I guess that'll be up to how well your memory is."

"What do you mean?"

"I could explain it to you or you could just wait and see for yourself."

"I'd rather you explain it to me." Andrea says as they approach the last door of the long hall. "I'm not great with surprises."

"Too late." Leo smirks, opening the door for the girl. Andrea rolls her eyes, but walks in nonetheless. "Here, take a seat. Everyone is excited to meet you."

Andrea gives Leo a weird look as she takes a seat at the table in the front of the room. "Where is everyone, exactly?"

"They're eagerly waiting their turn." Leo says as he takes a seat beside the girl. "Are you ready?"

"Not really."

"First group, you're up." Leo calls out. The back door to the room swings open and in files an ensemble of children in their practice attire, each with a little star pin on their shoulder.

A familiar tune starts to play as they get into position. With bright smiles on their faces, they begin their routine. Andrea's eyes go wide in recognition, "Wait, this is..."

"Your first competition routine." Leo finishes for the girl, a triumphant smirk on his face. "A jazz piece."

"How..." Andrea tries, but ultimately fails to form any words as she watches the kids perform her old routine. Kids that are no younger than she was when she first competed.

With a final axel turn, the song was finished and Andrea was fighting off tears. She claps proudly for the group as they take their final bows.

The children beam at her before running off to the sides as a second group files into the room. Before Andrea could get a word out, Leo starts the next song.

dancer's heart  |  hsmtmtsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora