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act two,   chapter three
la vie en rose

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"Lani, pinch me."


"Because I think i'm dreaming." Andrea says, vaguely as they enter the cafeteria. Elana looks around in confusion.

"And why is that?"

Andrea points to the table where Aiden and EJ sat. Talking to each other. Talking, not arguing. Outside of the drama club. "I haven't seen them so civil in years. Did we get sucked into some alternate dimension or something?"

"Maybe they've finally put their stupid competition aside and realized that they were just being immature idiots this entire time." Elana says, linking arms with her friend. "I can't believe I liked that idiot."

"Who? EJ?" Andrea says, surprised. "You've finally gotten over him?"

"He didn't give me much of a choice." Elana groans, obviously still hung up over the situation. "I was naive to think that he'd come back to our thing from last spring just because Nini broke up with him."

"Oh, i'm sorry, Elana."

"It's okay, I actually don't think I liked him that much. I liked the thought of him, maybe." Elana admits, sighing dreamily. "And the look of him." Andrea chuckles, rolling her eyes at her friend. "What? Are you telling me you don't find him attractive?"

"Well, i'd be blind to say that he wasn't good looking, but I've never really saw him in that way." Andrea shrugs, glance back over at the table. "He's always just been EJ."

"Well, just EJ is probably the hottest guy in this school and you have him wrapped around your finger." Elana says, making the girl look at her in confusion. "You're the only girl that's been able to get close to him lately, maybe you should start seeing him in that light. He is an eligible bachelor now and you are a recovering heart."

"He's also one of my best friends. Even thinking about thinking him in that way feels..." Andrea searches for the feeling she was talking about, finding herself to actually be neutral about the subject. "weird."

"Whatever, why don't we go see what they are being so uncharacteristically jovial about?" Elana says, pulling the girl towards the table filled with Waterpolo and Basketball boys.

"No, we shouldn't." Andrea says, stopping her friend. "I don't want to disrupt the vibe. Let's check out what the other drama geeks are talking about."

"Hey, guys."

"Andy! Lana!"

"Oh my god, Andy, you have to audition for Belle. You would be perfect for the role!" Carlos exclaims making the girl tense slightly before letting out a hesitant chuckle.

"I'm not so sure about that. I think i'll be sticking to lesser demanding roles again," Andrea says, much to everyones dismay, "it's volleyball season and i'm the captain so I really don't have time for a lead role. But, I also had this idea that Ash would be getting the lead this time around."


"Of course, you've got those disney princess vibes about you and your vocals." Andrea shrugs, stealing a fry from Gina's tray. "It all fits perfectly in my mind."

"You're welcome." EJ says to Ricky as he and Aiden walk over to the group. "Uh, I've decided to take myself out of the running for the Beast. I'm just... I've got a lot on my plate. Which reminds me, I should probably pick a meal plan for Duke."

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