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act one, chapter seven
save the show

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"That was great, Andy!"

"I feel like i'm going to throw up." Andrea says, holding her stomach as she approaches her friend. "What if I just dance the duet instead? I think that would be a better idea."

Gina places a hand on the girl's shoulder. "This is like the 10th time that you've performed this in front of the everyone and you've sounded amazing each time. You're okay, Andrea."

Andrea takes deep breaths, nodding her head. "You're right, thanks, G."

Ashlyn walks past and pats the girl on her back with an encouraging smile before joining the rest of the group. Andrea thanks Gina before walking over to where EJ sat alone. "You sounded great, sunny— woah, you look like you're going to hurl."

"Shut up and let me use you as a pillow." Andrea says, taking a seat beside the boy and resting her head against his shoulder. "Are you doing better today?"

"Beside the fact that Kourtney and Joseph have been sending me hostile glares from across the room all day? I think i'm doing as good as I could be."

"You kind of did steal her best friend's phone and almost jeopardized her keeping her lead role." Andrea says, playing with the rings on her hand. "But Kourtney is an ambitious girl and will find something else to keep her busy, she'll definitely forget you even exist by then."

"Well, that's a relief." EJ says, sarcastically, glancing down at her. "Did you decide to come over here because you thought I was lonely?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Andrea says with a small smirk.

"Well, thanks because I was." EJ says, wrapping his arm around the sickly girl. Andrea nods before taking starting to flip through her script.

"Guys, let us just start. Flip to 'When there Was Me and You' in your script." Natalie calls out to the group, making Andrea flip through her script.

"Should we maybe wait until Miss Jenn gets here?"

"Well, I do not know."

"Apparently nobody is in charge."

"Okay, people, let us stage a number." Carlos walks in, looking around the room. "I am late."

"Hey, do you know where Miss Jenn is?" Andrea asks, lifting her head from her friend's shoulder.

"Miss Jenn had a small personal matter to attend to and will not be here today." Carlos announces, nodding at the girl.

"Is everything all right?"

"Good question." The boy takes a deep breath. "Everything is fine. Why would you guys even ask that? "

Andrea and EJ glance at each other, knowingly, before turning back to Carlos who starts to take charge. "Okay. Gabriella, I need you downstage on this mark Troy, stage right. Chad, stage left box. Other boys, find a box."

Andrea moves to sit beside Kourtney while EJ moves to his spot. "What was that about?"


"You and EJ. Are you two friends now or something?" Kourtney asks, making Andrea roll her eyes at her friend's nosiness. "Last time I checked, you barely even acknowledged his presence."

"Things change." Andrea shrugs, watching as Carlos moves around the cast. "I've decided life's too short for regrets and I knew if I kept ignoring the boy who was literally my best friend my whole childhood, i'd regret it."

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