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act one, chapter two
audition day

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"When you texted me that you were going to come over, I thought you were going to finally apologize for ghosting me all summer."

"I know, and i'm sorry about that. I just- I wasn't in the right state of mind and you were sad that your sister was leaving for college. I didn't want to make things worse." Ricky says, stopping his pacing for a second before going back into it. "But don't you think she moved on too fast? I mean, it all happened over summer break and—"

"Summer break was a long two months. Honestly, that seems like more than enough time to start liking somebody." The girl says, not taking her eyes off the paper in front of her.

"Wait, so you think she's completely over me?"

Andrea lets out a groan before putting her sheet music to the side, grabbing the boy's arm, and pulling him to have a seat on her bed. "Why are you here, Bowen? If you were going to complain about your ex's boyfriend the whole time, you would've just gone to Big Red."

Ricky lets out a sigh before explaining his plan on getting Nini back while Andrea starts on her homework. "You want to audition for Troy? Have you even seen the movies? Can you even act?"

"That-that's not the point. The point is that this is my second chance with Nini. Big Red doesn't think I can do it, but with some help—"

"And you decided to come to me for help?" The girl asks, again not taking her eyes off of her eyes off the paper in front of her.

"I mean, well, you are the only person I know—that is still talking to me—that knows anything about performing. I thought that maybe you could help me out, give me some pointers."

"Here's a tip, don't do it unless you're actually willing to commit," Andrea says, giving the boy a knowing look. "Whether you get casted as Troy or not."

"I-I know, I just want Nini back."

"Ricky, she's seems happy with EJ and he is happy with her. He was able to bring a smile to her face, even after whatever happened between you two."

"She's my person, Andy." Those words seem to make the girl's heart clench, but she chose to ignore it and keep her eyes trained onto the music. "Without her, I don't feel like myself."

"You can't just depend on Nini to keep you 'real' or to help you feel at ease again, Ricky. That isn't fair." The brunette says, her eyebrows furrowed.

"I-I know. I just miss her and—"

"No, I want the paperwork done by Friday. An extension? Pierce, I am not giving you another damn extension."

Andrea rolls her eyes, walking to the opposite end of the room to shut her bedroom door. "I guess she's at it again. Her poor assistant."

"Hey, how are you holding up since Mellie left for college? I know how close you two were."

"I'm fine, she sends me updates on her life like every other day. Same goes for Annie. I'm trying my best not to think about the fact that once Aiden graduates, i'll be trapped here with my mom all by myself so... there's that." Andrea says, making Ricky grab one of the girl's trophies that was displayed at her bedside. "Everything was much simpler when all I had to worry about was if I could nail choreography well enough to even get noticed by the judges of those damn competitions."

"Yeah, it sucks that you can't dance anymore. You were great and that new store your mom built there may make her a lot of money, but it's not as fun to drive by." Ricky puts the trophy down. "Y'know, if your mom would have showed up to your performances and watched you dance, I bet she'd think differently of your future in dance and the poor studio she tore down."

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