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act two, chapter two
start of a new year

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"Well, if it isn't my favorite rich kids."

"Hey, G." Andrea greets her friend with a hug. "I love all of this. Very early 2000s vibes."

"Perfect because that was exactly what we were going for." Gina says, twirling around to show off her outfit.

"Hmm, I wonder why." Andrea winks at her friend.

"Wait, you know too?" Carlos pops up out of no where, groaning in annoyance. "I was hoping to at least tease you two about it."

"Sorry, little Rodriguez." Andrea pats the boy's shoulder. "Hey, where's your sister?"

"She woke up with a fever and has been in bed, miserable, all day. Said she couldn't even look at her phone without getting a headache." Carlos says, making Andrea hiss in pity. "She told me to tell you guys Happy New Years, though!"

"Well, tell her we say the same and that we hope she gets better." Andrea says before she, her cousin, and Gina make their way into the living room before splitting up.

"Andy! Here write down your resolution! It's for a game later." Kourtney says, handing the girl a paper and pen before running off.

The auburn haired chuckles before uncapping the pen and starting to think about a resolution. She found herself thinking back to what she had talked about with Gina and Amelie.

I resolve to pave my own future.

It was simple in writing, but it was going to be the most difficult thing the girl had ever done. She hunts Kourtney down and hands her the paper before heading back into the living room where everyone else conversed.

When she hears the familiar voice of Ricky bursting into the house singing 'Bet On It', the girl makes a beeline for the kitchen.

Andrea Townsend

"All right, so maybe I am having a bit of trouble being around Ricky right now." The girl says, her and the camera looking behind her to see Ricky and Nini holding each other as they joke around with Koutney and Ashlyn. She turns back to the camera as it refocuses on her. "I don't get why i'm having so much trouble with this. I was fine when they were together the first time. But now, I don't know. It's weird."

The girl's phone chimes, making her sigh as she checks the notification. "It's from Leo." A small smile forms on her lips.

"Hey, sunshine." Andrea turns around to see EJ approaching her with a warm smile. "Long time no see."

"Hey, EJ. Nice beard." The girl says, lightly grabbing the boy's chin and turning his head to the side. "It's giving wolverine meets prepubescent boy."

"Ha, ha. Very funny." EJ says, playfully wacking the girl's hand away. "I didn't make any jokes about your new hair."

"That's because you helped vote on the color." Andrea says, tossing her hair over her shoulder. "And I look great in it."

"Can't disagree with you there." EJ says without a second of hesitation, making Andrea smile up at the boy.

"So, how was Christmas at the Caswell's?" Andrea says, making it seem like a grand event.

"It was Christmas, all right." Was all EJ was able to come up with at the moment. "How was your Christmas?"

"As good as it could have been." Andrea shrugs, grabbing a chip from the kitchen island. "Mom left the next morning without so much as a goodbye."

"I'm sorry."

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