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act one,   chapter six

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"Why are we even going to this thing? It's stupid and they never have good food."

"Andy, you literally did most of the planning for this event and you aren't even in the committee. We have to go." Elana says says, adding the final touches to her make up. "Plus, if we don't go, there'd be no one to make sure Aiden doesn't get in trouble."

"Oh, you just want to go so that you can gawk at EJ the whole time. Which is, first of all gross, but also you can literally have anyone else in this god forsaken school and you are still thirsting over Elton John Caswell?"

"You're one to talk, babe. If I remember correctly, you liked EJ before the big fallout between him and your cousin and you've had a crush on Ricky Bowen since you met him." Elana says, making Andrea roll her eyes.

"Okay, okay, whatever. I need something to send to Nini and Kourtney before we head to the school and totally forget to take a good picture." The two girls stand in from of the girl's mirror, posing comfortably before snapping the picture. "It sucks that they aren't going to come with us. I don't blame them though, especially after everything that's been happening recently."

"Must suck to be the girl every guy falls in love with." Elana chuckles, but the undertone of sadness was clear.

"I'm just upset that we aren't doing girls night with them too, i'd rather go wherever Miss Jenn is taking them than our smelly gym."Andrea sighs. "I'm not feeling very festive as of late."

"Aid told me about your parents." Elana says, giving her friend a sympathetic look. "And Stanford. I know you don't like fighting with your mother on things, it must've been hard. Plus the whole messy Joseph situation. You've been through hell and back these last few days."

"Definitely less than ideal," Andrea takes a seat on her bed, "but I'm going to try my best not to think about it tonight. It's been a hell of a last few weeks."

"I can second that." The two girls turn to see Aiden leaning against the bedroom doorframe, dressed in a fine suit. "You guys look great."

"Thanks, Aiden. You don't look too bad yourself." Elana says.

"All right, losers. We should get going if we want to get there before people mistake our fashionably lateness for ditching."

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"Hey, G. You look great." Andrea says, leaving her two best friends at their reserved table to meet Gina by the punch bowl. "So, who's the lucky guy that you ditched me for all of a sudden? I was so ready to do some karaoke with you the limo after playing cupid and leaving my two best friends stranded together at the dance."

"Yeah, sorry about that. Something came up." The girl says, looking a bit down. "Uh- i'm here with EJ."

"Wait, what?" Andrea says, taken aback.

"Look, I can explain—"

"Gina, you are getting yourself mixed up in drama that you don't understand." Andrea says, disappointed in her friend. "I know you want the part badly, but Nini, Ricky, EJ, and even you have dealt with enough. You know you're talented, I know you're talented, hell, if anyone who knows you doesn't find you talented, then they are clearly blind. This isn't survival of the fittest, you don't have to tear someone down to come out on top."

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