Chapter Sixty One

Start from the beginning

"Wha..I don't..why are yo-" My mind and mouth was failing me as I tried to make a coherent sentence.

Taking in a deep breath, I tried again. This time instead of asking what the hell he was doing, I spoke about something else. "Tell Cami to go back."

"She came here willingly. I didn't bring her here."

I shook my head. "It doesn't matter, send her back. She can't be here. What if she tells someone else the truth?"

"That sounds like a you problem."

Excuse me?

My mouth gaped open as I watched Alpha Alessandro shrug before walking away. Why was the Alpha behaving so strangely? Was it because I now knew he was my mate?

He seemed almost relaxed and content, complete opposite of what he'd been like the last few times we were together.

"If I were you, I would ask your sister what else she's done."

What did he mean by that? Cami has been in Uncle Tom's house ever since she left here, she hasn't done anything else.

Fumbling with the door handle, I let myself back into the room and found Cami sat on the bed.

"What are you doing Nala?" Cami jumped up from the bed. "Why are you talking to an Alpha like that? He'll punish you, aren't you scared?"

"Aren't I sacred?" I asked sounding incredulous. "Aren't you scared? What the hell were you thinking telling the Alpha that and then saying you wanted to swap places with me. Are you out of your mind?"

"Of course I'm scared!" Cami shouted. "I'm terrified about what's going to happen to me but I can't live with the knowledge that you're taking the fall for me."

A sigh left my lips. "Sit down. There's a lot that's happened. I'm going to explain it to you but I need you to listen and not interrupt me."

Cami nodded and sat down. Taking in a deep breath to steady myself, I began to explain to Cami the current situation we were both in. This time I was able to talk without being interrupted by anybody. I could tell there were multiple times when Cami wanted to interrupt or say something but she stopped herself.

I didn't tell her every single thing, only what was important and what she had to know.

There was no need for her to hear the many times I had engaged in unspeakable activities with Alpha Alessandro. Why traumatise my already traumatised sister any further?

After I was done telling her everything Cami sat there in silence staring at me.

"You can talk now." I told her as she continued to stare at me. "Cami?"

"Alpha Alessandro is your mate." Cami finally whispered, it sounded like she was talking more to herself than me.

"Yes. It was only just confirmed recently so I don't know exactly what this means for us but it's a good thing."

"You're mated to an Alpha?" Cami was still whispering, it was as if she couldn't raise her voice even if she wanted to.

"Yes." I told her. "This is good news for us, I can use this to our advantage. Since I'm his mate, he can't hurt me." I paused slightly, that wasn't correct. He can hurt me and he has but he can't kill me, I mentally corrected myself but Cami didn't need to know that. "Which means he can't hurt you."

"Nala, you're mated to an Alpha. Do you know what this means?" Cami continued not letting me answer her question. "That means you're stuck here forever, you're stuck with him."

Why was she only looking at the negatives in this predicament that we were in? Being Alpha Alessandro's mate meant that he couldn't kill us, we were going to live. Being Alpha Alessandro's mate didn't mean I would be stuck with him forever. I highly doubt this strong, powerful Alpha would want a human as a mate and ruling his pack beside him.

We could come to some sort of agreement, I wasn't sure what exactly as I had yet to figure out the details but it could work.

"I'm not going to be stuck with him forever! Listen to me Cami, I ha-"

"Do you want to be mated to him?" Cami suddenly asked, interrupting me.

I didn't want to be mated to him, not just Alpha Alessandro, to anyone. I wanted to choose my life partner, I didn't want to be with someone simply because they believed it was predetermined.

"No but-"

Cami rudely interrupted me again. "So you're only considering mating with him because of me? Because you think being his mate will keep me alive."

I couldn't disagree with her there, if Alpha Alessandro and I had met under different circumstances I don't think I would have been entertaining the idea of mating with him.

"Am I wrong?"

No she wasn't but it wasn't as simple as that. There was so much more at play here. So much at stake.

"I'm sorry Nala but I'm going to let you throw your life away because of me."

"I'm not throwing my life away!" Frustration was building up inside of me due to Cami's lack of understanding. "This is the only way we both get to live!"

I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes for a few seconds to calm myself down.

"You shouldn't be here Cami, you need to go back to Uncle Tom's and let me deal with this."

Cami shook her head and stood up. "No. This isn't your problem to deal with. You're not going to pay for my mistakes any longer."

"This ends now. I have requested an audience with the Head Alpha."


A/N: Early upload :)

I hope you guys liked this chapter 

Let me know what you think is going to happen next

Thank you for reading :)

-Kayy xx

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