This time I was telling the truth, it could have been a lot worse for both of us. The only reason why it wasn't that bad was because of luck. Whether it's good luck or bad luck or maybe both, only time would tell, but if I wasn't his mate it would have been a thousand times worse. I highly doubt either of us would still be alive right now, maybe at the beginning we would have been but after the stunt Miles had pulled, there was no way he would have kept either of us alive. He would have tortured us first and then killed us slowly and painfully.

A shudder ran through my body as I thought about Miles, despite him being a complete wanker who got himself into this mess, he didn't deserve to die. A realisation ran through me as I thought more about Miles, there was no way Alpha Alessandro would have kept Miles alive after everything Miles knew, as long as he was alive I would be in danger as Miles could have told anybody and everybody.

Alpha Alessandro killed him to protect me, his mate.

My heart skipped a beat and a warm sensation came over me. He cared about me, he wanted me safe.


No stupid heart, no 'aww!' How is my heart warming up to him after everything he's done? He was a crazy, psychopathic Alpha Werewolf who despised humans, there shouldn't be an 'aww', there should never be an 'aww!'

"That's the thing this shouldn't be happening to you, you shouldn't have to go through any of this. It's my fault, I'm the one who should be suffering not you."

"You're my little sister." I reminded her. "I would do anything for you."

It was wrong of Cami to say she wasn't suffering because she was. She was the one who was raped, she was the one who has to live with the memories and the scars of that night. Not only has she been trying to deal with such a horrible and traumatic event that had happened to her, but I'm also sure ever since that night she has been living in fear of being found out.

My suffering was insignificant compared to her, I can't even fathom the type of emotional pain and turmoil she's been in ever since that night. No one deserves to live like that, your body and mind on edge all the time and being constantly afraid of what's to come.

Cami shook her head. "I won't let you take the fall for this. We're in this horrible situation because of me. This is my fault."

"No." I told her firmly. "This is not your fault, the blame solely lies with that...disgusting pig."

I was hesitant about using the word rapist around her, I wasn't sure how the word would affect her. It could upset her or trigger a memory from that night and the last thing I wanted was to cause her more pain.

"It is my fault." Cami sniffed. "I...I killed him Nala. I actually killed him."

"You were just defending yourself." I argued. "This isn't your fault, he brought it on himself." If Cami hadn't killed him, I would have killed him myself. That disgusting bastard did not deserve to live.

"That's not the point." Cami snapped, standing up all of a sudden. "You're not listening to me! I did this, I need to take responsibility for my actions."

I copied her actions and got up from the bed too. "Cami, listen to me."

"No, you need to listen to me." She reached over and grabbed my shoulders. "I did this, I killed a man. We're going to get caught, it's only a matter of time."

"We've been through this." I tried to remain calm and not get too frustrated with her. We had already discussed this, this conversation felt like a repeat of what we had previously talked about a while ago. I knew she wanted to do the right thing but the right thing would only get us in more trouble. "We agreed that we would say it was me who did this."

"I know but I can't let you stay here as a prisoner for the rest of your life because of my actions."

Closing my eyes I took in a deep breath before opening it. "Listen I have a plan about that, things are...different between me and the Alpha now."

"What do you mean?"

Before I could explain further the door suddenly opened causing both of us to turn towards it. I knew who it was before I turned, there was only one person who usually barged into my room like that.

Alpha Alessandro.

Cami immediately put her head down and kept her eyes on the ground when she saw who it was and before I could stop her she took a step forward towards him.

"Alpha, I have something to tell you." Cami's voice started off strong, however, towards the end of the sentence it became wobbly and quiet.

"Oh?" Alpha Alessandro cocked his head in interest though his eyes were fixated on mine.

"Cami, shut up!" I hissed as I grabbed her arm, trying to pull her back.

Cami shrugged my arm off her and took another step closer, her body was trembling as she did so. She did not shut up, she did the exact opposite and continued speaking.

"I killed your cousin."


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter

Cami is actually doing it, she's going to tell everyone the truth! Do you think she should? Do you get it from her perspective or do you think she should listen to Nala?

Let me know what you think is going to happen next

I will upload again on the weekend but you can read ahead on or on

Thank you for reading :)

-Kayy xx

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