One Vs All (Pt. 1)

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"I will kill them all."

- With Kiriya -

Kiriya sat in silence with sweat all over his body. He also displayed fear on his face. He thought, "I was too late. It's my fault. I made the wrong call...and because of that, Muzan slaughtered so many of our fighters. All that everyone has done for the last few defeat Muzan..."

"Master Kiriya!"

"...will amount to nothing because of me."

"Master Kiriya!"

Kiriya's sister slaps him out of his thoughts before yelling, "Be strong, Master!! Hurry up and give the next! This fight isn't over yet!" Kiriya thought, "That's right- I'm the master now. Father and Grandfather and all the others...bore up under the same pressure and hardship." Kiriya begins the orders, "Continue to close in on Muzan! Crows, spread your eyes! Muzan's range of attack is incredibly wide, so don't get too close! Assemble the Hashira! And all the other Corps Members! Gather all combatants in one place immediately!" He then thanks his sisters.

- With Tanjiro and the others -

Strums from a biwa were heard throughout the fortress as everyone ran down the corridor Tanjiro then felt a heavy demonic presence ahead. He instantly knew who it belonged to as he grew angry by the second.

Just ahead of the two, Muzan stood with a head in his hand before tossing it to the side. Muzan turned to the group who stopped in their tracks. Everyone could hear Tanjiro's rough breathing. Zenitsu could hear the sound of Tanjiro gripping his blade.

Giyu said, "Tanjiro...calm yourself. Just calm down." Tanjiro trembled, struggling to hold the anger back." Muzan spoke, "You're so persistent. And I'm getting sick and tired of you all...and am losing my patience. You're always yapping about avenging your parents or your children or siblings. Isn't it enough that you're still alive?" Tanjiro asks, "How can you say that?" Muzan adds, "Think of it as if they simply met with disaster. There's no make it more complicated than that. Rain, wind, volcanoes, earthquakes... No matter how many people they kill, no one seeks revenge against them. Besides, the dead will not return to life. So give up your grudge. Just make a living and pursue a quiet life. That's what most people do. So why don't you? There's only one reason. Because Demon Slayers are abnormal. And I'm tired of dealing with you. I just want this to end." Tanjiro said with zero emotion, "Muzan...we...cannot allow you to exist anymore!" Tanjiro then thought, "Even if...we manage to cut Muzan's head from his body, he won't die. We have to drag our next battle long enough for the sun to reach Muzan."

Muzan whips his arm toward the group, to which they dodged. Muzan then whipped his other arm at the people who were in the air. They all redirected the attack, except for Murata, who was saved by Tanjiro. As Muzan's arm closed in on Giyu, he used,

Dead Calm!!

Giyu parried every part of the whip-like arm while thinking, "His arms! They're as sharp as blades and he can extend them! And he's fast!!" Kyojuro thought, "Kibutsuji is like no other demon we all faced before! If we let up for even a second...It's game over!" Tanjiro dodged Muzan's arm, "His reach is incredibly long! After my back-to-back battles with those demons, I don't know if I can keep up any longer...! Plus, my body is riddled with stab wounds and the pain isn't going away! No...! Just push on through! Find a way past his attacks...and get in close!" Tanjiro powered up to his form passed 'Super Saiyan' and pressed on.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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