Upper One

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After revitalizing themselves, the five head to their next destination.

- With Mitsuri and Iguro -
Both Iguro and Mitsuri were walking down a corridor but it opened up and revealed a big space. A demon sat in the middle with Mitsuri yelling, "Ahh! I found her, Iguro! Over there! It's Upper-Rank...4!"Obanai thought, "Upper-Rank 4!! I thought Tokito and the others had defeated her! A replacement already?" Mitsuri also thought, "Shinobu was younger than me, but she risked her life and did her best!" She flipped to the wall and jumped toward the demon while thinking, "So I too...have to do my best!" Nakime just sat there with her biwa while Mitsuri swung her bendable sword at her. Nakime strummed her biwa, causing a door to close between them. Mitsuri crashed into it and fell off the ledge. She covers her mouth and thought, "This is embarrassing!! I got hasty and overdid it. What am I doing?!" Iguro quickly grabs her, jumps to another platform and puts her down while saying, "Kanroji... As long as we don't know our opponent's abilities, let's watch closely( think hard a proceed calmly." Mitsuri kept her composure but soon lost it and went red whilst saying, "Okay." Nakime strummed her biwa, making a door open from under them. They immediately fell but both grabbed onto the ledge and hopped over it. As Mitsuri got over, another door opened up, causing her to keep jumping around. Iguro saw a wall heading right for him and jumped out of the way. It crashed into another wall and soon two more followed suit. Mitsuri yelled, "Iguro! Hyah!" She was caught under a platform and was pushed up with it at great speeds. She was glued to the rising platform as she screams, "Waaaah! It's gonna crush me!!" She grunts and slashes the platforms, causing them to fall apart.  She started to get red and jumped to the left while shouting, "I get it. She moves these buildings as if they were her own hands and feet. That's a little surprising, but okay! Hmph!" She begins to hop toward Nakime while yelling, "Prepare yourself!!" Nakime strums her biwa while Mitsuri angrily said, "You're not going to hit me with that same attack!" She flipped her body and flew over the wall that was placed between them and tries to slash her. Nakime spawns another door under Mitsuri, catching her and spitting her out below. Mitsuri displays a deadpan face and falls while screaming. Iguro uses,

"Serpent Breathing, Second Form: Venom Fangs of the Narrow Head!"

His blade nearly reached her nape but she quickly strums her biwa and causes the entire platform she sat on to rise quickly. He lands on the nearest platform and thought, "Her Blood Demon Art isn't that deadly...but it's really annoying!! This could be a long and troublesome fight!" Mitsuri held onto a ledge toward the bottom and cried, "Agh!! I fell really far!!"

- With Gyomei and Muichiro -
The pair ran toward an unknown destination with Gyomei shouting, "Kibutsuji's nearby! Don't let your guard down!" Muichiro said, "Okay!" A sound was heard to their right with Gyomei yelling, "Toki-" A wall grabs Muichiro and pushes him toward another wall to the left. Gyomei yelled, "Tokito!" Muichiro yells back, "Never mind me - Go!" A door opens for Muichiro but still made contact with another wall on the other side. He begins to fall with debris following behind. He then lands but looks around and heard,

"You came... Demon Slayer."

The individual responsible for the voice was a person who looked tall. He had long, spiky black hair with red tips and was kept in a ponytail. He had a purple and black kimono and an all-black umanori hakama pants. That person was not human, that's for sure. The demon, with its six eyes, examined Muichiro and said, "Hm? You... For some reason...you seem familiar." Muichiro thought, "Upper-Rank...1!!" The demon, whose name was Kokushibo, squinted all his eyes and saw all the lines and muscles inside Muichiro's body. He said, "Hmm... I figured... I see now..." Muichiro couldn't help but feel slightly scared and thought, "This...is Upper Moon One... He's so different compared to the other Upper Moons. He looks so dignified and majestic. And the blade. It's warped...but he has a sword. Was this man a demon hunter before? Then he must be a user of some brea-" Muichiro's body begins to violently shake, which startles him. He thought, "I can't stop this feeling of dread. My body is refusing to battle. This never happened before in my life." Kokushibo asks, "Your...name...what is it..." Muichiro stays quiet a bit before saying, "Tokito...Muichiro." The demon slowly said, "Alright... I see... The 'Tsugikuni' name has died out then..." Muichiro asks, "...Tsugikuni? Who is that?" The demon said, "It has been...hundreds of years, after all...quite...inevitable... My...name back when I was human was Tsugikuni Michikatsu." Kokushibo raised his index finger and says, "You...are a...member of the Tsugikuni family...I left behind... My child's...descendant... So you...are my offspring..." Muichiro's eyes quickly widen at the fact while thinking, "Offspring...?! Me?! To this guy?! Impossible... I can't believe this. So this man is a user of the first breath?! Calm yourself!! Don't panic. None of this matters. Camp down!!" Muichiro's face went back to normal with Kokushibo rubbing his chin and saying, "Huh... Your mental strength...is worth...some praise... You calmed...your panic...in a short moment..." Muichiro instantly dashes at 'Michikatsu' and uses,

"Mist Breathing, Second Form: Eight-Layered Mist!"

Muichiro slashes Kokushibo eight times, but to his realization, he only slashed at the air. Michikatsu compliments, "That is...quite a good technique... Mist...I see...not bad..." Muichiro again dashes at Michikatsu and uses,

"Fifth Form: Sea of Clouds and Haze!"

Muichiro slashes the air again while mist started to generate all around Muichiro's area. Kokushibo said, "Muichiro... So you are fourteen this year...and your technique is this refined at your age... Despite faltering against me, you dared to suppress that to cut me down. As expected from my descendant...my blood may have been watered down a lot...but that's trivial...even if my name has died out...my cells increased and remained inside you..." Muichiro says, "Are you joking with me? Even if I am your descendant," the mark from before appears on his face while continuing, "if hundreds of years have passed, not a single cell or drop of blood remains inside of my body at this point." Kokushibo thought, "The mark... I see. It appeared." Muichiro began to emit a lot of mist while using,

"Mist Breathing, Seventh Form: Obscuring Clouds!"

Kokushibo thought, "I've never seen this one before. Mist Breathing users have never used a technique like this." Muichiro's sword was inches from Kokushibo's throat but he quickly disappeared faster than Muichiro got to him. Kokushibo thought, "A unique tempo. It's hard to his movements. A technique that uses disturbance tactics. It's actually quite impressive. It's flowing and beautiful. Muichiro must have been the one to create this." He then said, "I should unsheathe my blade as well...or else it would be rude of me..." Kokushibo unsheathed his blade and used,

"Moon Breathing, First Form: Dark Moon, Evening Palace."

A barrage of crescent-like attacks was spread around Muichiro's area with Muichiro's hand flying. Blood dripped from his arm and looked at it in pain. Muichiro thought in pain, "Moon...Breathing...?! So he can use techniques that require breaths despite becoming a demon? His speed is in another dimension." Muichiro quickly grabs his hair and wraps it around his bicep while using his mouth to pull on the hair to stop the bleeding. After the bleeding slowed down, he then charged at Kokushibo with Kokushibo thinking, "Wonderful... He has the guts to immediately stop the hemorrhaging after losing his arm, then come at me for another attack." Muichiro used,

"Mist Breathing: Shifting Flow Slash!"

Kokushibo grabs the handle of Muichiro's blade and drives it into his right shoulder, pinning him onto a nearby pillar. Muichiro grunts in pain as Kokushibo states, "My descendant. Allow me to turn you into a demon so you can be of use to that man."

Chapter 127: End.

As I said before, I have bad memory so I don't remember if put any of these secrets before.

- A Little Secret -
Tanjiro knows there is another form beyond that of his current transformation.

1431 words in total.

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