Inoko and Zenko

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-3rd Person POV-
Since Tanjiro's hair was spikier and always retains its shape, Tanjiro couldn't infiltrate into his house. He instead watched as Tengen sold off Zenitsu and Inosuke, who were named Zenko and Inoko for the time being. The lady said, "My, my... Now these two are certainly... quite homely goals, aren't they?" The man rubbed his eyes and took another look, only to stagger in disgust. He said, "No, I don't think we can..." Tengen asked, "Isn't there any way you can reconsider? Under your training, Madam, I'm sure they'd turn into diamonds." The man said, "I'm sorry, but..." He looked at his wife and saw that she was blushing. The lady said, "Well, I guess taking in one wouldn't be a problem!" Tengen was stunning for the lady. Tengen said, "Then, please take one. Sorry to impose, Madam." The lady got a bit shy and announced, "Then, I think we'll take the one on the left! She looks very obedient." Zenitsu said, "I promise to work as hard as I can!"
Inosuke was the only one left while Tanjiro watched from above. It looked as if Tengen was scolding Inosuke, who said nothing in response.
Inosuke noticed a group of people and went to investigate. He saw this lady who walked weirdly. Tengen said, "Oh, that's a procession of Courtesans. That's the Tokito House's Koinatsu Oiran. The highest-ranking Courtesan is going off to meet her client. How flashy is that?" Inosuke whispered to himself, "She walks so slow. She'd get killed in a second in the mountains." A lady stared at Inosuke very creepily. She said, "Hey, mister... I'll be taking this girl back to my house. Is that all right?" Tengen noticed who that is and said, "Hey, so you're..." She finished, "The Ogimoto House Chaperone." Tengen clapped his hands and said, "If she's caught the eye of the Ogimoto House, I couldn't be more thankful. But what kind of stroke of luck is this?" The Ogimoto House Chaperone said, "Oh please, I have a sure eye for these things." She took Inosuke while Tengen bids farewell.

-With Inoko-
The women washed off Inosuke's makeup while one yelled, "Oh my! Unbelievable!" The Chaperone said, "They'd plastered her face in a bizarre way, but just look at her now that it's off! What a steal! Buying such beauty for cheap! I'll train her like nobody's business! I'll make sure she's in more demand than Kyogoku House's Warabihime or Tokito House's Koinatsu!" They dragged Inosuke while the girl said, "Yea, but this girl is actually quite sturdy!" The Chaperone said, "Well, it's better for a girl to be plump and meaty, right? I think she's more muscular than plump."

-Tokito House-
Zenitsu was being told to take up boxes for the house's Warabihime. He took the boxes to her while the girls say, "Isn't she rather strong?" "Strong."
Two smaller girls whisper to each other, "They're saying that Kyogoku House's madam fell from a window and died." "That's scary. Let's be careful, okay?" "A lot of older girls are leaving these days, commuting Ashinuke." "So scary!" Zenitsu asked, "What's Ashinuke? That's a lot of baggage. There! They're all gifts for Koinatsu Oiran." The girl on his left said, "Zenko, you don't know? Ashinukr means to run away from here without paying off your debts. It's really bad if you get caught." "Is that right?" Zenitsu asked. The girl added, "Some people do manage to run off with the man they love." "Right, like the other day, Suma Oiran..." Zenitsu thought, "Suma? That's Uzui's wife. Um..." The Koinatsu walked in and said, "Stop spreading those rumors. After all, nobody knows if she really did make it out here." Both the children said, "Right." The Oiran asks, "So, you brought these up for me? Thank you. Come here." She grabs Zenitsu's hands, which in turn made him blush madly. She places a bag of candy in his hand while saying, "Let me give you some candy. Eat it in secret by yourself, okay?" Both the children said, "I want some, too." "Oiran! Oiran!"  She said, "No. You just had some, remember?" Zenitsu asks, "Um, did Suma Oiran commit Ashinuke?" The Oiran looked at him confused and asks, "Why would you ask a question like that?" Zenitsu lightly gasped and thought, "I need to find a way to ask about Suma-san. Um... You see... Suma Oiran is my older sister." The Oiran asked, "So you were sold into the Entertainment District after your sister?" "Yes. I've been exchanging letters with my sister all this time, and I know she wouldn't commit Ashinuke," Zenitsu answered. "Is that right? True, I couldn't believe that Suma-chan would commit Ashinuke, either. She was such a grounded girl. There were no signs that she was infatuated with any man. But they found her diary. And I hear that she'd written about committing Ashinuke." Zenitsu thought, "Ashinuke. How convenient is that for demons? Even if someone were to vanish, people would only assume that she'd run away. The diary was probably forged. I pray that you're safe. We're going to rescue you, no matter what, Suma-san!"

-With Tengen-
Tengen sat atop a roof while looking down at the District. He thought, "All quiet today, too. I'm getting a really bad feeling. It's like being enveloped in smoke. So adept at becoming invisible... Could it be that the demon residing here is an Upper-Rank demon? If that's the case... we could be in for an ultra-flashy fight to the death."

-With Inosuke-
Inosuke took little steps while angrily thinking, "So hot! I'm dying to take these off! Wearing this stupid outfit blunts my senses like you wouldn't believe!" A lady from around the corner said, "Oh, Yae! Do you have a minute? Do you think Makio's all right?" Inosuke heard the name and instantly had ears into the conversation. He hid behind a cover while they conversed, "Well, she's shut herself into her room and won't come out, and all she said is that she wasn't feeling well, but she won't go to the hospital! Sooner or later, the madam's going to drag her out!" "I just brought a meal to her. I only left it outside her door, but..." Inosuke thought, "Makio? That's Uzui's wife. I finally heard her name mentioned. Not feeling well? Like that would stop her from checking in? That woman came from that direction, huh? Guess I'll take a look." Inosuke started running but was cut off by the same lady, "Oh, Inoko-chan! You'll hurt yourself if you rush like that!" Inosuke did not speak, but just bowed at the lady and took off. The lady said, "She's such a quiet girl." Inosuke angrily huffed and puffed and his memory of Tengen instructing him.

-Inosuke's Memory-
"You have a husky voice, so don't even say a word! And you stink at falsetto, so everyone will know right away that you're a guy. I'm not kidding," Ordered Tengen.

-Back with Inosuke-
Inosuke thought, "What am I supposed to do, dammit?"

-In a secluded area-
Sashes were scattered around a room as if it was trying something down while a voice repeated over and over, "Now, then, Answer me. Now, then, answer me. Who were you writing these letters to? What was your name again? Oh, that's right. It's Makio." The woman, presumably Makio, looked up and was tied down and glared at the source of the voice. "Answer me, Makio," said the voice.

Chapter 66: End.

Just a little heads up (not that it'll make any difference to the story since there are no voices), Tanjiro has Goku's voice actors, Sean and Masako and not Zach and Natsuki. And Tanjiro will be the one to keep watch on Kyogoku house.

-A Little Secret-
Tanjiro did not go as a (whatever you call those people) because his hair took too long to style and immediately went back to his normal hair as soon as they started walking to sell them.

1,345 words.

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