Kotoha and Inosuke

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The five all dashed at Doma.

Inosuke was the first to close in but Doma tried to slash Inosuke while saying, "You couldn't even get one slash on me! Haha! because your anger got the best of you!" Inosuke ducked under his fan and kicked it up. Doma was going to praise Inosuke for his flexibility but was cut off by Tanjiro slashing his arm off. Kyojuro jumped in the air and uses,

"Flame Breathing, Third Form: Blazing Universe!"

Doma was quick enough to jump out of the way but Giyu and Tanjiro used,

"Water Breathing, First Form: Water Surface Slash!"

"Water Breathing, Fourth Form: Striking Tide!"

Doma was beginning to get overwhelmed by the continuous assault of the five displays. He then began to get irritated and yelled, "You guys are Begining to get on my nerves! How about battle five of me at once? Only then will this fight become fair!" Doma uses,

"Blood Demon Art: Crystalline Divine Child!"

Four tiny replicas of Doma made of ice began to form beside him. Tanjiro thought, "Not good! Those clones are almost as strong as him!" Inosuke begins to say, "Who cares if you create copies of yourself! I... We... will kill you all off one by one!" Tanjiro saw Doma lean forward but then stood still again. He looked around but saw Inosuke's face. He says, "Inosuke?" Doma examines the mask while saying, "Yup, I knew it. It definitely is a mask. This board mask has been through quite a lot." Inosuke begins to get mad and said, "You... Give that back!" Doma looked at Inosuke while saying, "Hmm... I feel like I remember you somewhere. Have we met before?" Inosuke yells, "I don't remember meeting a maggot like you before. Don't touch my fur with your dirty hands. And I'm telling you we haven't! You shitface!" Tanjiro said, "Calm down, Inosuke. He's probably lying." Doma folds his arms and says, "Lying? Oh, that's surprising. My only saving grace is being serious. Besides, I have a good memory from when I was a human." He then jammed his index finger into his temple and wriggled it around. Everyone was shocked at the sight ahead of them. Tanjiro thought, "Wait... What about these clones? What is he planning to do? Are they waiting until he finishes talking?" Doma continues, "Ahh! Here we go! Fifteen years ago? Oh, that was recent. There was a woman, roughly seventeen or eighteen years old, carrying a baby. Her husband punched her every day. And her mother-in-law also bullied her daily. So my eternal paradise cult took in that poor woman. She had no parents or siblings. There was no other place she could go to or be safe at. When I first met her, her face was swollen so badly that I couldn't tell what the original shape was. It was pretty rough. And she was partially blind because of all the beatings to her face. But when I touched it, she went back to normal. She was so beautiful, and she left quite a lasting impression on me. She had the same face as you, but she looked more delicate and soft. Your mother, am I right? Oh yeah! No mistake about that!" Kyojuro thought, "What's wrong with this guy? First, he's irritated and now he's back to his normal mood. He also isn't attacking us with his clones so we should stay on our guard." Inosuke yelled, "I've got no mother!! I was raised by the boars!! That has nothing to do with me!!" Doma asks, "So a boar gave birth to you? You're a human, do a human, so a human must've given birth to you." Inosuke charges at Doma while yelling, "Zip it already! You stupid piece of trash! Give that mask back now!" Tanjiro yelled as Inosuke used,

"Beast Breathing, Sixth Fang!"

Doma said, "Hey now, listen until the end. This encounter is nothing short of a miracle." Inosuke then had an X-mark slash on his chest so Kyojuro wasted no time and dashed Inosuke. Doma then tried to slash Inosuke but was saved by Kyojuro... Again. Kyojuro stood him up and said, "Calm down Young Boar Head. Are you okay?" Inosuke didn't say a word but looked at Doma who said, "So about your mother. I had no intention of eating her. Having someone beautiful next to you feels pretty good, you know? She wasn't very smart though. That was unfortunate. But she was very pretty and good at singing. She used to carry you a lot. It was that 'Pinky Promise' lullaby for some reason. Pinky promise, pinky promise. That was all she can to you." Inosuke then heard a voice inside his head sing,

"Pinky promise, pinky promise. I will protect you, I promise that. Until you get big and strong. Your mommy will protect you by herself. Sorry, Inosuke. You may be feeling lonely now. But your mom is doing her very best to fill your dad's shoes and protect you. Lived can be replaced but Inosuke, your mom will protect you..."

Doma said, "Every time she sang that 'Pinky Promise' song, the lyrics were different. At some point, it became a tanuki village song. It was so cute. I wasn't going to eat her. I purely planned on having her by my side until she passed away. But your mom...right. 'Kotoha', was very sharp, despite being so stupid. She found out I was eating my worshippers. And despite all my explanations, she couldn't understand my benevolence. It was insulting after insult. Saying I spouted nothing but horrible lies. Then she flew out of my temple and ran."

- Inosuke's Vivid Memory -
A lady carrying a small child ran down the forest, presumably, Kotoha. She also said, "I'm sorry, Inosuke. I'm sorry mommy's so stupid. I always make mistakes. I always go the wrong way. Sorry, I'm so sorry... I'm your mother. I needed to keep it together, and yet..." Kotoha looks around and yells, "Oh no, I don't know where the road is. I got lost... Where's the human village? Oh no. I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." They reached a cliff with Kotoha saying, "There's no place to run. The two of us are going to be killed. At the very least, Inosuke can..." She hugs baby Inosuke and said, "I'm sorry, Inosuke. I'm so sorry..." She let baby Inosuke fall down the cliff with her being careful. She then finally let him drop but was immediately killed by Doma. Do a said, "There's no way you could have saved him by dropping him off this cliff. But you were stupid to the very end... To think you died because your mother dumped you off a cliff. How sad." Before baby Inosuke knew it, he was in a river.

- Present -
Inosuke thought, "She got killed...my...mother..." Doma explains, "So I ate her to the very bone! If she went home, she'd get beat by her husband. And if she was all by herself, she would've ended up dead on the road with you since she's hopelessly pathetic. Kotoha was unfortunate. Was there ever a happy moment in her life? She had a pointless existence." Kanao yelled, "Cut it out already!! You sleazebag!" Inosuke heard,

"You're so cute, Inosuke. What tiny hands. You're so warm. My treasure. Being with you is bliss for me."

Inosuke gripped his sword tighter and said, "It truly is a miracle, meeting you here the demon who killed my mother and my friends is right before my eyes!! All me to thank you for letting me remember, but I won't just cut your head off now!! I'll show you what true hell is like!"

Chapter 125: End.

- No Secrets -

1296 words in total.

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