Tsuzumi Demon

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Tanjiro angrily looked towards the mansion.

-3rd Person POV-
Zenitsu, along with the two kids, whimpers and shake from the roar. Tanjiro thought, "We couldn't save him! If only we'd gotten here a little sooner, we might've managed to save him." Tanjiro turned to the two children and asked, "Hey, is this your..." "the boy answered, "I-It's not our brother. Our brother's wearing an orange kimono." Tanjiro thought to himself again, "I see. So there are several people captured inside." He gently placed the body on the ground and got up. "I promise to bury you when I return. Forgive me," he mentally apologized. "All right. Zenitsu, come on!" He yelled. Zenitsu whimpers and violently nods. "But no one can help them now except you and me," Tanjiro says. "Eee-eeehh!" He screams. Tanjiro looks down in rage, while a shadow looms over his face, and says, "I see. All right, then." Zenitsu gets scared at his face and says, "Hey, come on! Why do you make such a scary face? Okay, I'll go!" While hanging on to Tanjiro's box. "I won't force you to," Tanjiro says coldly. "I said I'll go!" Zenitsu says as he is dragging behind Tanjiro.
Tanjiro places the box down by the kids and says, "In case of an emergency, I'm leaving this box behind. It'll protect you two if something were to happen. Okay, we're going now." He gets up and walks towards the entrance with a stern face while Zenitsu follows behind, sobbing. Tanjiro opens the door and walks inside. They walk down a hallway while Zenitsu breaths heavily. "Tanjiro! Hey, Tanjiro! You'll protect me, right? You'll protect me, right?" Zenitsu asked. Tanjiro stopped and turned around, he says, "Of course! You put up a show back on the road saying you were very weak. But deep down, you seem very strong. But, I'll try my best to protect you, all right?" Tanjiro said with a smile. Zenitsu hugged Tanjiro while screaming "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I'll be sure to get you a wife if we both go wife hunting, okay?" Tanjiro cringed at the thought of having a wife. He said, "Just hold out on getting us wives, okay? We have to worry abou- No, Don't!" Zenitsu is startled and screams. Both kids run towards Tanjiro and Zenitsu "You two shouldn't be here!" He yelled. The boy spoke, "M-Mister, we heard scratching sounds from inside that box!" They made it to Tanjiro as the smaller child walks up to Tanjiro. Tanjiro says, "B-But still, it can't just be left behind! I mean, it's more important to me than my own life!" A crash is heard while rumbling is followed behind it. Everyone looks up and around the hallways. Zenitsu screams and kneels, bumping both Tanjiro and the smaller child into a room. "Sorry! My butt..." Zenitsu was cut off as the door changed to a closed shoji door. Tanjiro gasps as the room begin to change again and again. He thought to himself, "It's a different room. No. We're we the ones that moved? To the beat of the tsuzumi?" The girl sobs as Tanjiro says, "Sorry you got separated from your brother. But I'll protect you no matter what." He brushes a tear off her eye and finishes, "And Zenitsu will protect your brother. Don't worry! What's your name?" "Teruko" she answered. "Is that right? Teruko? That's a nice name-" Tanjiro was but off by a demon's scent and power. A foot finally stepped by revealing a tall demon. Tanjiro covered Teruko's mouth as she gasped. "Among all these scents here, this is the strongest one that this mansion is steeped in! This demon also devoured a whole slew of humans! This must be the mansion's lord!" He thought to himself.

-With Zenitsu (3rd Peron POV-
"I'm gonna die! We're dead, we're dead, we're dead, I'm telling you! Tanjiro and I got split up!" Zenitsu yells. "Teruko!" The boy yelled. Zenitsu stopped the boy and said, "No, no, no! Don't be so loud! If you're too loud, the bad guy will hear you, and it won't be pretty! Come on, let's step outside!" Zenitsu said as he clung to the boy's shoulder. "Why outside? Are you trying to escape all by yourself?" Zenitsu opened his eyes. "All this constant whining about dying... Aren't you ashamed of yourself?" Zenitsu let's go of the boy. "Clinging into a younger person... Don't you feel pathetic?" Zenitsu gags as those words struck him. "What are you wearing that sword on your waist for anyway?" Zenitsu groans as blood spills out, he falls to the ground and says, "Those words cut so deep." He got up and dragged the boy while yelling, "That's not it! I'm not gonna be of any use anyway!" "Let me go!" The boy yelled. "So I'm trying to summon an adult here, okay? Because this isn't something we kids can handle on our own!" Zenitsu threw open the entrance to the mansion open. Only to find out, that it doesn't lead outside anymore. Zenitsu tenses up in fear and says, "No way, no way, no way! I'm sure this was the front door! Where'd the outside go? I mean, this door was..." he walked up to another door and said, "Is it this one?" As he slammed the door open. "How about this one?" "What about this one?" A man stood in the middle of the room and turned to look at Zenitsu. It had a boar mask on and blew out some air. Zenitsu was scared beyond words, he screamed, "It's a monster!" The man, or boar, boar man, ran out the door, slamming it to the ground, and ran down the hallway. All while Zenitsu kneeled screaming. The boy looked at Zenitsu with the same face Tanjiro made. Zenitsu slowly turned towards the boy and asked, "What the heck? What's that look? Stop looking at me like that!"

-Back with Tanjiro (3rd Person POV)-
Tanjiro continued to hold Teruko's mouth in case she doesn't scream. "If only they hadn't... if only they hadn't gotten in my way..." the demon spoke. Tanjiro whispered an order? "Teruko, try not to scream. The rooms going to move, so don't go into the hall. Step back and hide behind the shelves." Teruko ran towards the shelves, almost tripping as she did. Tanjiro got into a defensive stance waiting to attack. "Curses! Curses! Thanks to them, he got away! When he was my prey! Why is it? Why do they all keep barging into my house? It's infuriating! That was my prey! My one prey I found in my territory!" The demon spoke to himself. Tanjiro pulled out his sword while the demon continues, "Curse them! Curse them!" "Hey! Listen! I'm a Rank Mizunoto Demon Slayer, Tanjiro Kamado! I'm here to slay you!" Tanjiro warned. "A child with marechi that I found myself!" The demon ignored. Tanjiro lunged toward the demon while he thought to himself, "Got him!" Tanjiro swung his sword towards the neck. The demon hit its drum, making Tanjiro unable to fully cut its neck off. Tanjiro noticed the room flipped to its left. Teruko fell while she screamed, Tanjiro landed and yelled, "Teruko!" He looked around the room and saw it flipped. "Now the tatami floors are on the side! The room's been flipped! So, this is that demon's Blood Demon Art! This entire mansion is this demon's territory!" He thought. "What's this?" "There's an odd scent getting closer! It's not a demon!" Tanjiro thought again.
A laugh that sounded like a maniac was heard down a hallway, "Comin' through! Comin' through! Comin' through!" The husky voice said as he blasted through the shoji door, destroying it. "Wh-who's this guy? He's wearing a boar hide! And he's wielding Nichirin Swords!" Tanjiro thought. "All right, you monster... Die in battle and serve as my springboard, so that I can become stronger and soar even higher!" The husky-voiced Demon Slayer spoke. "Infuriating! Infuriating!" The demon said. "Here goes... Comin'... Through!" Said the Demon Slayer

Chapter 23: End.

-A Little Secret-
Just like Tanjiro, Inosuke has a big obsession with fighting and getting stronger. But of course, Tanjiro's will to train and fight always burns stronger (Due to Saiyan physiology).

1,360 words (disregarding everything after 'Chapter 23: End').

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