Good Evening

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The train then took off into the night.

-Inside The Train-
Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke enter the train while the passengers all sit quietly. The first three passengers are interrupted from their own this as Inosuke bangs on the window while yelling, "So fast!" Zenitsu apologizes for Inosuke's behaviour, "Sorry! We're very sorry!" He then grabs Inosuke and says, "Forget that! Get over here, idiot!"
As Zenitsu drags Inosuke, he asks, "He's a Hashira, right? This Rengoku-san... Are you sure you'll recognize his face?" "Sure. He had his gaudy hairstyle, and I remember his scent, too," Tanjiro says. Inosuke startled passengers as he yelled, "Hey!" Tanjiro finished, "I think I'll know it's him once we get close." Just as Tanjiro opened the door, Kyojuro's exclaimed, "Umai!" Zenitsu was startled while in the other cart, Kyojuro ate his bento. Most of the passengers watched Kyojuro eat while he yelled, "Umai!" They entered the second cart while Kyojuro repeats, "Umai!" over and over. The three got close as he took another bite and yelled his loudest, "UMAI!"
They continue to watch as Zenitsu asked, "Is that the Flame Hashira guy? Not just some random glutton?" Tanjiro just nodded at the questions.
Tanjiro approached Kyojuro and says, "Um, excuse me... R-Rengoku-san?" "Umai!" Kyojuro exclaimed. Tanjiro said, "Uh, we really get that part already." The train attendants had a hard time placing Kyojuro's bento boxes into a bag.
Kyojuro says, "And you're that kid from that day at Master's." Tanjiro introduced, "Yes. I'm Kamado Tanjiro. And they are my fellow Demon Slayers, Agatsuma Zenitsu and Hashibira Inosuke." Kyojuro says, "I see. And inside that box there..." "Yes. It's my sister Nezuko," Tanjiro says. Kyojuro says, "Right! That demon we saw that day, huh? Since the Master's acknowledged her, I won't say any word for now." Tanjiro smiled and Kyojuro patted the seat beside and said, "Have a seat here."
Inosuke bangs on a window while yelling, "Being inside the lord is mind-blowing!" Zenitsu pulls his mask and says, "You're going to break the glass! Clam down already, will ya?" Kyojuro asks, "What are you three doing here? A mission?" Tanjiro answered, "We received an order from a Kasugai Crow. 'The casualties of the Mugen Train are increasing. Join Rengoku on-site,' he said. Kyojuro said, "Yes! I see now! Understood!" "Right. Also, there's one more thing. Something I wanted to ask you, Rengoku-san," Tanjiro said. Kyojuro asked, "What is it? Let's hear it." They both begin to go back and forth while Zenitsu struggles to pull Inosuke back, "About my chichi..." "What about your chichi?" "Well, he was really frail." "Was he really?" "But even if it was cold enough to freeze your lungs, he could still perform a kagura dance in the snow." "Well, I'm glad to hear it!" "The thing is..." "What's up?" "Hinokami Kagura... Dance! I suddenly found myself doing the kagura that I'd seen as a child. If you know anything about that, Rengoku-san... I was hoping you'd tell me," Tanjiro finished before it went quiet. Kyojuro finally said, "Right! But I know nothing! I've never heard the term 'Hinokami Kagura' before. But it's truly commendable that your chichi was able to adapt this kagura dance to battle. All right, end of discussion!" Tanjiro jolted and asked, "Um, can you try to help me more?" Kyojuro finally asked, "You should become my Tsuguko, my apprentice! I'll look after you!" Tanjiro yelled, "Hold on a second! And just what are you looking at?" Zenitsu watched and thought, "He's totally weird, all right." Kyojuro then explained, "Flame Breathing has a long history. i
In any given era, there's always been a Flame and Water swordsman among the Hashira. Flame. Water. Wind. Stone. Thunder. Those are the fundamental breathing techniques. The other techniques were created as offshoots of those five. Mist is a fork of Wind. Mizoguchi-shonen! What colour is your sword?" Tanjiro said, "Eh? My name's Kamado. And the colour is black." Kyojuro laughed, "A black sword, huh? Well, isn't that unfortunate?" Tanjiro asks, "For real?" Kyojuro says, "I've never known a swordsman with a black sword that became a Hashira. On top of that, I hear they have no clue which style to master. Come to me, and I'll train you! You can rest easy now!" Tanjiro screamed, "No, thank you! And just what are you looking at?" Tanjiro sighed and thought, "He's strange, but he seems to be very caring. And from his scent, I can pick up his strong scent of justice."

Inosuke had his head outside a window while yelling, "Awesome! Awesome! So fast!" Zenitsu immediately grabbed Inosuke and yelled, "That's dangerous, you idiot!" Inosuke then said, "I'm gonna run outside and race to see who's faster!" Zenitsu yells, "You can't possibly be that stupid, can you?" Kyojuro spoke, "That's dangerous. You never know when a demon might appear." Zenitsu and Inosuke halted and looked at him. Zenitsu asked, "You're kidding, right? Demons show up on this train?" Kyojuro yells, "They do!" Zenitsu exclaims, "What? They do? Nooo! So, we're not heading to where the demons are, but we're here? Nooo! I'm getting off!" Inosuke and Tanjiro look at the two as Kyojuro said, "Over forty people have disappeared on this train. The Corps sent a few swordsmen, but then they all went silent. That's why I, a Hashira, am here!" It was quiet for a while before Zenitsu screamed, "Right, I see! I'm getting off! I'm getting off!" A train conductor walked in while Zenitsu trembled. He walked to the four and said, "May I... see your... tickets, please?" Tanjiro asks, "What's he doing?" Kyojuro answered, "The conductor's going to check your tickets and punch a hole in it." Kyojuro was the first to give him, then it was Inosuke, Zenitsu and finally Tanjiro. Tanjiro observed the man and recognized him as 'shady'. The lights flickered and Kyojuro instantly opened his eyes. Tanjiro felt two presences. One was close and the other was faint. He thought, "What is this? I can feel a horrible presence." The conductor said, "Thank you... very much. Kyojuro got up and got in front of them while saying, "Mr. Conductor... You could get hurt, so step back. As this is an emergency, please overlook the fact that I have a sword." The lights flicker a second time and a demon showed itself at the other end of the cart. Most of the people got startled, the same goes with Zenitsu. It rose and Tanjiro grabbed his sword inside his haori. Kyojuro said, "Was it a Blood Demon Art that hid that massive body? I had a hard time detecting you. But if you bare your fangs at the innocent... my bright red sword will turn you to ash." Whilst talking, he inserted his blade between his Hakama pants and belt and pulled it out. A red aura surrounded him while he pointed his blade toward the demon. The demon screamed casing some wind. Rengoku got into a position and used,

Flame Breathing... First Form...

The demon charged at Kyojuro while he charged head-on at the demon. He sliced the demon's head off and finished,

Unknowing Fire!

Flames followed him through the cart while he smashed through a door and into another cart. He looked back at the demon while the demon exploded, leaving nothing behind. Tanjiro said, "Amazing. He sliced off the demon's head with one blow." Kyojuro turned to the other cart and said, "There's still one more. Come with me!" Tanjiro and Inosuke followed behind while Zenitsu lagged. He yelled, "D-Don't leave me behind!" The people watched them take off as the lights flickered a third time, causing them to disappear.

Chapter 50: End.

I just remembered, Tanjiro having a hard head in the original story. Since he is a Saiyan, he won't have that 'harder head' buff because Kie is not his biological mother in this story. Let's just say he will have that same strength as in the original story.

-A Saiyan Fact-
Saiyans also have a good sense of smell. But since they know how to sense power and ki, they never use their sense as an advantage in a fight, neither will Tanjiro later on

1,293 words (disregarding everything after 'Chapter 50: End.')

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