Spatial Awareness

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"Impossible... as long as demons eat humans."

-With Zenitsu (His POV)-
I sit alone as I ask myself, "Do they hate me? Would someone normally leave their friend behind by the roadside? Wouldn't you talk him through it if you were friends? If they both had tried to convince me to go, I would've gone, okay? Sure I would. But no, off they went on their merry way up that scary mountain. Poor me, being left behind..." My sparrow, Chuntaro, chirps to me as I was thinking to myself. Chuntaro told me, "Sulking doesn't do you any good. You have to go help your friends now." I sigh and then say, "Lucky you, you don't have a care in the world. You don't understand a thing about humans, do you!" Chuntaro bites my hand as I say, "Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!" Chuntaro stops biting me as I yell at it, "You're not cute at all! I mean it! Especially that side of you! Seriously, not cute!" Chuntaro lands on my hand and looks away in anger, while I say, "I mean, look how cute Nezuko-chan is, and she's a demon! But you're a sparrow, and you're so vicious!" I then remembered about Nezuko-chan riding with Tanjiro. I scream, "He took Nezuko-chan with him!" I run towards the forest as fast as I could while yelling, "Why did he have to take my precious Nezuko-chan with him? Unbelievable, Tanjiro! Don't take a young girl into danger! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Nezuko-chan!"

-With Tanjiro (3rd POV)-
Distant creaking is heard as Tanjiro asks, "What is this sound?" The Demon Slayer says, "Not again! It's this sound again! I heard this sound, and the next thing I knew, everyone started killing each other!" The sound keeps going while Tanjiro asks, "Where's it coming from?" All 3 look around as the Demon Slayer looks behind him. He sees other Demon Slayers in the distance. He gasps as the other two look behind and sees the other Demon Slayers emerge from the tree line. Most of them look bloody while others look dead. The 'controlled' Demon Slayers charge at the 3 as the Demon Slayer, who is beside Tanjiro, dodges. They begin to dodge the swords. Inosuke laughs and says, "These guys are all morons! They don't know that it's prohibited for Demon Slayers to fight each other!" Tanjiro says, "No, that's not it! Their moves are strange! They're being controlled by something!" Inosuke unrated his blades from his bandages and says, "All right. I'm going to slash them to ribbons!" Tanjiro warns, "Tou can't do that! They're alive! Some of them are still alive! Besides, we can't harm the corpses of our comrades!" Inosuke dodged a swing and says, "Stop denying me... at every turn!" He head-butts Tanjiro on the stomach as Tanjiro groans. They begin to draw their blades as they clash with the controlled swordsman. A controlled Demon Slayer was about to approach the wimpy Demon Slayer as Inosuke and Tanjiro drop the controlled Demon Slayer. Tanjiro thought to himself, "A strange sweet scent from his back!" Tanjiro slices threads from his back, freeing the controlled Demon Slayer. Tanjiro yelled, "It's threading! They're being manipulated by threads! Cut the threads!" Inosuke scoffs as he charges other controlled Demon Slayers and cuts their threads while jumping over them. Inosuke says, "I already knew that before you caught on!" Tanjiro thought to himself, "Where's the location of the demon controlling them?" Tanjiro caught both a heavy presence and a foul smell. He covered his nose as he ask, "What's this? What an irritating odour! Thought it was just for a second!" He then hears tiny spiders crawl on his arm. His arm is pulled by the threads the spiders put on him. Before being pulled away, he slices the threads and the spiders scurry away. He thought to himself, "Spiders? So, the spiders are connecting the puppet strings? That means..." As I finish thinking, the bodies of the Demon Slayers begin to get back up.

A female demon laughs as she says, "Now then, my sweet little dolls, dance until your arms and legs fall off." She begins to pull threads attached to her fingers.

-Back with the battle (3rd Person POV)-
Tanjiro says, "It's not enough to just cut the threads! The spiders will just spin now threads, so..." Tanjiro catches the same smell he did before as he thought, "That acrid smell again! What is it anyway? It's being carried by the wind!" Spiders crawl by his foot as he jumps away from them. Inosuke asks, "So, all we gotta do is kill those damn spiders, huh?" Tanjiro says, "That would be impossible! Those spiders are tiny, and I'm sure there are tons of them! We gotta find the demon that's controlling them!" Inosuke begins to stab the spiders one by one, annihilating them. Tanjiro says, "It's no good, Inosuke! Inosuke, if you have some way to pinpoint the demon's location, then help me out! This weird smell has been flowing in, and my nose isn't working great! And also, um..." The wimpy Demon Slayer says, "It's Murata!" Tanjiro yells, "Murata-san! Murata-san and I will find a way to deal with the people being controlled! Inosuke you..." Tanjiro finally notices that a presence has gotten closer. He looks up to see a demon standing on, what appears to be thin air, and says, "Don't disturb my family's peaceful life." Tanjiro thought, "Is he floating? No. He's standing on the threads! What did he mean by 'family'?" The demon says, "Kaa-san will kill you all right away." Tanjiro looks toward the demon as he examines his strength. Tanjiro asks, "Kaa-san?" Inosuke screams as he charges the demon. He jumps up barely being able to dice its threads as he falls to the ground with a grunt. "Damn you!" Inosuke curses as the demon walks away. Inosuke adds, "Where the hell do you think you're going? Fight me! Fight me, dammit!" Tanjiro watches him walk away as he thought, "That demon is strong. He might be one of the Twelve Kizuki." He starts to get both excited and frightened as he says to Inosuke, "That kid probably isn't the demon pulling the puppet strings! So, first, let's..." Tanjiro dodges a swing as Inosuke says, "Okay, okay, okay! I hear you, all right? You want me to find where that demon's at, right? Shut up already, forehead!" Inosuke stabs his swords into the ground as he stretched his arms out. He begins to focus as hard as he could while saying,

Beast Breathing, Seventh Form... Spatial Awareness!

Inosuke begins to feel every part of the forest as he finds the demon controlling the strings. He says, "Found it! There you are!"

-With the Demon Boy-
He gazes at the webs in his hand as he says, "I won't let anyone disturb us. The five of us are going to live in bliss like a family. No one can break our bond."

Chapter 31: End.

-A Little Secret-
Tanjiro still has his tail, it's just very concealed so he won't cause any suspicion to what he is.

1,186 words (disregarding everything after 'Chapter 31: End').

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