Things Are Gonna Get Real Flashy!

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Tanjiro screamed as he tries to cut Daki.

-Ogimoto House (Somewhat Earlier)-
A lady screams as it catches the attention of two women. One asked, "What's going on?" The screaming lady screamed, "It's a monster! A monster!" The second lady said, "Hey, go get ready for work!" The screaming lady yells, "There's a monster boar that's demolishing the ceilings and the floors!" The first lady asked, "How is that even possible?" The screaming lady says, "Then come with me!" Inosuke smashed through the floor and looks back at the three. All three screamed as loud as they could while Inosuke walked toward them and said, "I'm totally feeling the demon's presence!" The three run away while Zenitsu appears where Inosuke smashed through the floor. He said, "That's enough wrecking this house, Boar!" Inosuke said, "Oh, shut up! Is it here, Chonitsu?" Zenitsu shrugged while Inosuke cut through the floorboards. The women watched him cut the floor up. He finished and yelled, "Found it! The hole leading to the demon's lair! Get ready to die!" Inosuke jumped into the hole headfirst and grunted. Zenitsu and the women were shocked at the sight. He got up and said, "So I can only get my head inside, huh?" He proudly states, "Nice try! That won't work on Inosuke-sama! I'm a man who can dislocate all his joints! In other words, as long as my head fits, there's nowhere that I can't go!" Inosuke dislocated his own arms then went into the hole and crawled right through. Zenitsu asked, "W-Wait up! What about me?" but Inosuke was too deep to hear, so he took off to find Tanjiro. Inosuke kept slithering while yelling, "Comin' through! No one can stop me! Freakin' long! This is no game trail! A demon! There's a demon here!" Inosuke was launched into the air from his speed and looked at all the sashes and belts that were strewn everywhere.  He asked, "What the heck is this?" He landed on the ground and relocates all his joints. He thought, "Huh? A cloth with a human pattern? What is this? No, this feels like... those are living humans. So it traps humans inside a woman's belly band, huh?" Inosuke walked around the cave and walked into a pile of bones. He thought, "Damn. Then it takes them out whenever it wants and devours them? Pretty savage, if you ask me." A voice asked, "What are you doing here? Barging in on someone else's food locker... So dirty! So dirty you are! Dirty! Smelly! You damn stink bug!" Inosuke fired back, "What did you say, you worm? So gross!" The belt demon said, "Why, you damn stink bug!" She sent many belts at him while he slashed them all with ease. He yelled, "Wriggle, wriggle, wriggle, wriggle! You're really grossing me out, worm belt! Look how sluggish you are! You got greedy and swallowed up too many humans! An attack by an overweight worm... will never land on Inosuke-sama! Grow a spine... and don't come back until you're ready!" Many bodies dropped to the ground while the worm belt angrily thought, "Damn! He managed to slice me without touching the humans! After I went through the trouble of storing all that fresh food! His intuition is razor-sharp! Especially his ability to detect murderous intent is extraordinary! So sensitive... he can perceive attacks from any direction and dodge them! I never expected a Demon Slayer to infiltrate the food locker. What should I do?" All while she spoke, Inosuke slashed every belt? But even after that, Daki mentally spoke to the work belt, "Capture him alive. He's the one who got in my way when I captured Makio. He was beautiful. Except for the ten most beautiful, you can kill the humans you've stored. Though it might prove harder to capture them alive than to merely kill them... Devour some of the ones there and strengthen your body." She was cut off by Inosuke's scream. She noticed Inosuke was about to slash her face and instinctively went limp. Inosuke thought, "I can't slash it! Because it's bending like that?" She instantly went for his face while he let go of his swords and dodged her attack. He lands on the ground and the swords land in his hands. He used,

Beast Breathing, Sixth Fang... Palisade Bite!

She said, "It won't do any good to slash me! I'm not the main body. Nevermind that. You're leaving the humans you saved in the lurch. Is that what you want?" Inosuke looked at the bodies while she said, "Whatever you do to me, I can get it back in a flash!" More belts went for the bodies as Inosuke thought, "Oh, crap! I have to fight it while protecting those humans! Dammit! I can't keep up!" He began to sprint at the bodies and the belts. He again yelled, "You damn Worm Belt!" Inosuke noticed projectiles pinning the belts down and possibly killing them. He looked where they came from and saw two ladies. One in the red yelled, "You came up with a great name! 'Worm Belt'!" The one in the blue said, "It really is gross! You're absolutely right! I'm so going to tell Tengen-sama on you!" The two then charge at the belts while the red said, "We're going to give you a hand... so fight the good fight, Boar Head!" The blue lady stabbed and sliced a belt in two while Inosuke yells, "Who the heck are you?" The blue answered, "We're Uzui's wives! I'm not much of a fighter! So please don't get your hopes up!" The red lady punched the blue lady and screamed, "Suma! Don't be such a wimp!" The blue one said, "But... But... Makio-san, you know I'm a good-for-nothing! I mean, I got captured right away! It's too much to ask of me! Protecting everyone who got caught! I'm the most liable to die first!" The Worm Belt says, "That's right! How astute you are! Now then, which one of you should I eat first?" Inosuke began to cut and slash the belts while thinking, "Damn that thing! It's not the main body? If that's true, I'm screwed! This battle's never going to end!" Inosuke slashed more followed by Makio and Suma. Inosuke jumped into the air while Makio hurled more kunai at the belts making an opening for Inosuke. Inosuke and the others were stalling for time for any help from the others. The Worm Belt thought to herself, "What was that sound just now? Was it from above?" She looked up and a hole was ripped through the ground. All three looked toward the sound. The Worm Belt again thought, "The wind? Did an air while open up? What can you do from underground to create a hole all the way down here?" Inosuke asks, "What was that?" The belt whispered, "He's here. Someone just came inside." When the dust settled, Tengen crouched with his cleaver-like swords in hand. He took a big breath in while the Worm Belt thought to herself, "This Presence! A Hashira!" Tengen seemingly disappeared and slashed every single belt that was in the cave. Zenitsu then jumped down into the pit and saw all the belts destroyed. Makio and Suma stood there quietly before Makio said, "Tengen-sama..." Tengen said, "Makio... Suma... Sorry, I took so long. It's a relief to see you looking good!" Makio thought to herself, "He wasn't like this before. The thought of dying didn't bother me. Since that was how I was trained. Because I was a shinobi. Especially since a kunoichi could never hope to match a male shinobi in terms of strength. Staking my life was something I only need minimal effort to do."

-Makio's memory-
Tengen stood in front of the three and said, "I want you three to only think about your own lives. Above all else, your top priority is to come back to me. Life over accomplishing your mission! What I'm saying is at odds with this occupation, but it doesn't matter. I'm allowing it! The order that lived should go in is flashy and clear-cut in mind." He points at the three and says, "First, you three. Second, law-abiding citizens. And finally, me. As a Demon Slayer, it goes without saying that I'll also protect the public leading their nonchalant, drab lives... but to be blunt in my flashy way, you three are more important to me. So don't die on me." Makio thought, "Is it really ok to go around saying that? If you put your own life first, you can't get much serious work down. Is that okay?"

-Much Later-
Hinatsuru says, "I think it's okay. If Tengen-sama says he's fine with it. Not wanting to die or wanting to go on living... I'm sure it's not wrong to feel that way, either. As long as you don't despise yourself, it should be fine. I'm sure." Makio smiled and said, "You're right."

-Present Time-
Tengen walked up to the two and parts their heads. He says, "I see that you've been doing dom flashy work. You're my wives, all right!" Both the two blushed and Suma cries. Tengen yelled aloud, "All right! Starting now, things are going to get real flashy!"

Chapter 72: End.

Another one will be worked on soon cuz I'm bored as heck yo.

-A Little Secret-
Tanjiro never used the Final Spirit Cannon since his first mission after his fight with Akaza. It wasn't effective against demons so he stopped using it.

1,606 words in total.

What if Tanjiro was a Pure Saiyan? (DB X KNY)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα