Miss Tamayo, A Runaway?

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"Then, I'm going to get you some of their blood for sure!"

-Brief Memory of Tanjiro's-
"I have two favours to ask of you. One... Permission to study your sister's blood. Two... To retrieve blood samples from demons with high concentration of Kibutsuji's blood. 'Demon with high concentration of Kibutsuji's blood'... means demons whose powers are more on par with those of Kibutsuji himself. It won't be easy to extract blood from such demons," Miss Tamayo spoke.

-Back to the present (3rd Person POV)-
After Tanjiro cut off Susamaru's arms, they disappear to ash. Susamaru laughs, "You think you're going to extract blood from us? I don't know what you're scheming," she looks back at Tanjiro and finishes, "but I won't allow you to do anything to displease him!" She turns around while saying, "If you think you can extract blood from us Teelve Kizuki, then have it!" Yushiro yells, "Be careful! Don't let your guard down for a second! If those two really are Twelve Kizuki, then they're undeniably more formidable than any other demon you've faced before!" "Right! Understood! Being careful, keeping my guard up, demons I've faced... stronger than before... Right! I'll do my best!" Tanjiro says. Yushiro faces Tamayo and says, "Tamayo-sama! Let's use those two as decoys and escape!" Tamayo is so shocked that she froze. "I'm just kidding!" He added.

As Nezuko kicked Yahaba, he says, "Don't stir up dust! So filthy!" He yells as he launches an arrow, throwing Nezuko.
Susamaru laughs as she regrows her arms. "She grew new arms so fast. She regenerated way faster than those Final Selection demons. So this is a Twelve Kizuki. I kind of expected them to be more powerful though. Bummer," Tanjiro thought in disappointment. Susamaru prepares her temari balls as she says, "I'm going to bring that head of yours to him." As we have an intense staring contest, Nezuko was somehow thrown towards me, possibly by the arrows. "Nezuko!" Tanjiro says. Yahaba lands (in a Frieza pose). "Now then, Why don't you both die at once?" She yelled as she threw a temari at them. Tanjiro picked up Nezuko and jumped to the side. "Nezuko, are you OK?" Tanjiro asks as he places Nezuko down. "Hey! Demon Slayer! You get rid of that arrow man first! We'll take on the temari woman with your sister!" Yushiro yells. "Understood!" I yell back. Nezuko looks at me while I say, "Nezuko, just don't overdo it." She grunts as she nods.
In Nezuko's eyes, she sees Tamayo as her mother, Kie. And Yushiro, as her youngest sibling, Rokuta.
They both face their opponents while Tanjiro says, "I'm counting on you." They both lunge coward to their respective demons. As Tanjiro was running he thought, "I swear... I'm going to get some of their blood! If it means the medicine will be created even a minute sooner, I'll gladly fight any demon! I'll fight and win!" When Tanjiro approached Yahaba, he saw the opening thread while raising his blade in the air. "There it is! Opening thread!" Tanjiro thought. Yahaba scoffed and says, "What a dirty child you are. You stay away from me!" As he finished, he raised his hand in the air and released an arrow. Tanjiro's opening thread snapped the moment the eye closed. "What? The thread snapped!" He thought. As he took his final step, an arrow appeared under his foot launching his leg back. When his leg was launched back, he completely missed Yahaba's neck. He was thrown back and into a tree. He groans, as he was thrown around. He thought in pain, "Ouch! That Hurts! It really hurt!" He was thrown around and finally into the air. He was flying around making him dizzy. "Whaah!" He screamed. The arrow disappeared as he finally falls to the ground. "A move! Unleash a move to soften the fall!" He thought as he prepared,

Eighth Form, Waterfall Basin!

He slid across the ground making him stop. He looked towards Yahaba.
Susamaru threw temari balls, Nezuko dodged them as Yushiro runs straight towards Susamaru. She saw him run, but he disappeared after a while. "He vanished?" She asked. She took a couple blows as Yushiro stayed invisible. He reappeared, pointed at her and said, "You hurt Tamayo-sama! I'll never forgive you for that!" "Tamayo? Hey, Susamaru, the one over there... wouldn't that be Tamayo the Runaway? What a great souvenir she'll make!" Yahaba says. Susamaru got up and said, "Is that right?" As she threw temari at Yushiro and Nezuko. Nezuko stopped and tried to kick the temari ball earning an insult. "Idiot!" Yushiro yelled. "You mustn't kick it!" Tamayo screamed. Nezuko's leg got taken off as she drops to the ground. Susamaru laughs as she kicks Nezuko inside the house. "What fun is this! What fun is this! Are we playing kickball? Yahaba! Will four heads be enough to take home?" Susamaru asked. "No, we're taking two! The Demon Slayer and the runaway. We don't need the other two," He answered.
Tamayo went inside to check on Nezuko. She looked at the wound as Nezuko kept bleeding. "Nezuko-san," she said. "Her bleeding isn't stopping right away. Her recovery is slow," Tamayo thought. She pulled out a syringe with a substance in it. "This medicine will help your leg quickly, all right?" She said.
Once again, Nezuko saw Tamayo as her mother, Kie. She gasps at the similarities.
Tanjiro's battle still kept on. "What should I do? I can't lose no matter what! But even if I can see the Opening Thread, it won't be easy to slash him! Any move would be pointless unless I can land my blow in the opening with pinpoint accuracy! If I'm off by even a little, the move won't be nearly as potent! He'll just change the course of my sword with his arrows. And I hate to say it, but those eyeballs on his hands are creepy! Though I hate to say it!" Tanjiro thought as he was cutoff when Yahaba's eye on his hand closed. "Hah," Yahaba says as he laughs. Six arrows behind him launching at Tanjiro. Tanjiro flipped to his hands and launched himself backwards. He jumped over a few more as they kept coming. "They just keep coming. Their speed is fast. I guess I'll have to raise my power by a little. " The arrows slow down as he finishes, "But, they won't disappear until they hit me. I can't even cut them with my sword! The instant the blade touches it, it sends me flying in the arrow's direction!" Tanjiro thought as he tries to cut an arrow. He failed as it launched him into the brick wall. "What can I do?"  Tanjiro barely dodged an arrow as it took his haori. Yahaba chuckles as he sent an arrow and wrapped it around his arm. It put immense pressure on it, straightening it out. "Everything goes in the direction I want! Your arm's going to get twisted right off!" Tanjiro's ran towards a tree, ran up, and flipped backwards many times. He loosened the arrow as he pulled his arm out, he landed on the ground near his blade and grabs it. "So, you eluded it by spinning in the same direction as the Koketsu Arrow? Damn monkey! (Haha he said it). "I can't afford to take anymore of his attacks! If I do, the I'll end up getting more damaged. I gotta hurry and strike back! I gotta change the arrows' directions without touching them!" Tanjiro thought. Yahaba growls while saying, "About time for you to die!" Yahaba launched arrows at Tanjiro's direction. "Adapt your moves! First, use the Sixth Form to wind up the Arrow! Then use the footwork of the Third Form... to close in on him!" Tanjiro thought. He started running, whilst dodging more arrows headed his way. He yells in his mind, "Twist! Wind up!" He thought as he caught some arrows. He finished,


Yahaba is shocked and sent more arrows at Tanjiro. Only to strengthen his attack. He yells as his sword feels slightly heavier than it was before. He slammed his foot into the ground and said in his mind,

Second Form... Improved, Lateral Water Wheel!

He finally cut off Yahaba's head.

Chapter 19: End.

-A Little Secret-
When a Saiyan is nearly at Death's door, they earn a Zenkai Boost (A boost in power making them way more powerful when they were before. They also get stronger after every battle they engage in).

1,384 words (disregarding everything after 'Chapter 19: End').

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