The house with the Wisteria Crest

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"I'm going to bury more than any one of you!"

-Time Skip-

-3rd Person POV-
All five pray as Inosuke rams his head into a tree. Teruko asks, "What is that person doing?" Kiyoshi says, "Better not look." "Yeah," Shoichi agreed. Inosuke begins to head-butt it repeatedly as they still pray. The crow caws, interrupting their prays which scares Zenitsu. "Descend the mountain! Descend the mountain!" It caws and Shoichi says, "That crow is talking!" "Just don't think anymore," Kiyoshi says as Teruko agrees. The crow caws, "All right, follow me! Follow yours truly!" Inosuke rams his head one last time and sees everyone leaving. He asks, "Hey! Where are you going?" Tanjiro answers, "We're descending the mountain." Inosuke says, "We're not with our battle yet!" Tanjiro says, "You're tired, aren't you? Come on, we're heading down." Inosuke yells, "Huh? I'm not tired! Let's fight!" Inosuke runs toward the five as they begin heading down.

The crow guides the six down as Zenitsu yells, "I won't have it! I won't have it! I won't have it!" He clung to Shoichi and adds, "You can't go, Shoichi-kun! Shoichi-kun is the one who's going to protect me!" In the background, Inosuke begins to ram the trees head-on. Tanjiro, trying to pull Zenitsu off, says, "Can't you see Shoichi doesn't want to stay?" Zenitsu screams out, "Please don't leave me behind-" Tanjiro cut him off by chopping his nape and saying, "You stop that right now!" Zenitsu falls to the ground, knocked out. The crow, flying up to Kiyoshi, says, "Hold out your hands!" Kiyoshi is startled but does so anyway. The crow coughs out a bag onto Kiyoshi's hands.  The crow explains, "That will ward off demons. You with marechi, keep that on your person!" Tanjiro says, "It smells like wisteria." Kiyoshi asks, "Wisteria?" "It's a flower that demons can't stand. You should hold on to that," Tanjiro explains.
Inosuke slams onto that tree again as the three (Kiyoshi, Shoichi, and Teruko) wave goodbye. Kiyoshi says, "We're truly grateful! We can get home on our own." "Take care, now," Tanjiro says as he waves goodbye. Inosuke slammed into a tree, again.  The crow instructs, "Now then, follow me! Follow yours truly!"

-On the way down-
Inosuke yells, "Fight me! I swear I'm going to find a weak point and bring you down, loser!" Tanjiro says, "My name's not 'loser'! It's Tanjiro Kamado!" Inosuke, pointing at him, says, "All right, Gonpachiro Kamaboko! I'm going to bring you down!" "Who the hell are you talking about?" Tanjiro asks. Inosuke yells, "That would be you!" "No, that's someone else!" Tanjiro says. Out of nowhere, Zenitsu wakes up and screams out, "Ah! Can you talk any louder?"

-Time Skip to the Wisteria House-

The three make it to a wooden fence with a wisteria symbol on its door. "A wisteria family crest..." The crow caws and says, "Rest! Rest! Since you've sustained injuries, you're to rest until fully recovered." Tanjiro asks, "Huh? Are you sure it's OK to rest? I mean, I never had rest since my first mission." Inosuke says, "Let's eat this thing." The craw says, "What?" An old woman opens the door while asking, "Yes?" Tanjiro says, "Uh? Sorry to bother you so late at night." Zenitsu, being scared, says, "A ghost! It's a ghost!" Tanjiro yells, "Knock it off!" Inosuke walks up to the lady and asks, "Who the hell are you?" The woman politely bows and says, "You must be Demon Slayers." Inosuke pokes her hair and says, "She looks pretty weak." "Hey!" "Please come in." The three follow the lady into the fence and head into the house. Zenitsu speaks, "That old lady sure walks fast!" The lady informs, "This is where you'll be staying."
The lady gives the three each a clean set of clothes and some food.

-Time Skip (Everything plays out the same anyways)-

The lady says, "Here is a doctor." "Hello," the doctor greets. He begins to examine each of the threes ribs.
"Yes. Severe!"
Zenitsu says, "Who would've guessed that all but one  of us has broken ribs?"

Zenitsu (2) Tanjiro (0) Inosuke (7)

Inosuke reaches for his hair and moves it out of the way, revealing the bump Tanjiro had given him. He says, "This bump hurts more than my ribs." "Sorry," Tanjiro apologized. "Hey, you better apologize. It hurt, you know. Getting pounded to a pulp like that. Say you're sorry," Zenitsu says. "I'll pass," says Inosuke. Zenitsu begins to get irritated and says, "Say you're sorry!" Inosuke repeats, "I'll pass!" Tanjiro yells, "Just say you're sorry!"

-Small Time Skip (because I was tired)-

Nezuko begins to get out of her box as Zenitsu runs away in fear. Zenitsu tries to hide in the closet and sees Nezuko. Nezuko grows in size to her original form while Zenitsu says, "Huh?" In Zenitsu's eyes, he sees Nezuko as the prettiest girl he's ever seen until now. He chokes in amazement as Inosuke says, "Huh?" He stretched his arms and finished, "That's too much thinking," and falls asleep right after. "Zenitsu. Nezuko's my-"Tanjiro says, as Zenitsu cuts him off. "Tanjiro... listen to me," Zenitsu said as he boils in anger, making small bolts of lightning appear. "Z-Zenitsu?" Tanjiro asks. "Listen to me. Just what do you think you are? So, you've been travelling with a girl this cute? With a girl this cute in tow, you've been travelling in pure bliss day after day, huh?" Tanjiro defends, "Zenitsu, it's not like-" Zenitsu cuts Tanjiro off as he screams out, "Give me back all the blood I shed! I... Listen, I... I didn't suffer just so you could be all lovey-dovey and 'Tee hee!' With a girl! That's not why I got pummeled and kicked by some weird boar!" Tanjiro says, "Zenitsu, calm down! What's gotten into you all of a sudden?" Zenitsu continues, "Demon Slayer Corps is not something you join for fun! Guys like you gotta be purged! Immediately!" Zenitsu pulls out his blade, drawing it, and says, "Come to think of it, there's also the crime of thwarting my marriage and sending Shoichi-kun home." Zenitsu points it at Tanjiro while yelling, "Purged immediately! Don't ever underestimate the Corps! A guy like you! A guy like you!" Tanjiro screams as he runs away from Zenitsu, "Zenitsu, cut it out!" This goes on till Tanjiro finally explains what Tanjiro and Nezuko are.

Chapter 29: End.

-A Little Secret-
I hate Zenitsu's annoying screams in the Japanese dub.

1,086 words (disregarding everything after 'Chapter 29: End').

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