"Oh," Seungmin's face lit up as he quickly sat down beside Jeongin, peering closer to the two. "Yes, that's a good question. Are you dating Minho hyung?"

"No, no!" Jisung spluttered embarrassingly. "I mean, not yet... I- I just don't know if we're ready to go further yet."

"Hmm," Seungmin hummed, leaning in further. "But did you ask him? Or is that your assumption?"

"I- He... he said he needed time."

"And when was this?"

"Last month...?"

"And that's not enough time?"

"He hasn't said anything about it, though!" Jisung argued.

"But what if he was waiting for you to say something?" Jeongin added. "You know he isn't good at expressing himself. What if he wants you to bring it up first?"

"Exactly. How long will you two simply just act all lovey-dovey without moving to the next step?" Seungmin said.

Jisung sighed, feeling the weight of the conversation settling in. "I guess you guys might have a point, but I don't want to rush things. What if he's not ready?"

Seungmin raised an eyebrow. "Have you ever considered that he might be waiting for you because he's not sure if you're ready?"

Jeongin chimed in, "Sometimes, taking that step requires one of you to make the first move. It's not about rushing; it's about understanding each other's feelings."

Seungmin nodded in agreement. "Communication is key, Jisung. You won't know unless you talk about it openly."

Jisung looked thoughtful for a moment before a determined expression crossed his face. "You're right. I think I'll... I'll talk to him today, clear things up."

"I'm done, Hannie," Minho called out. "Let's go, brush."

"Thanks, guys," Jisung muttered quickly before joining Minho.

"They even brush together?" Jeongin laughed. "How are they not a married couple?"

"I know, right?" Seungmin said, grabbing a plate of food for himself. "I hope those two sort their shit out soon. Who knows how long we'll all be together."

"Hyung!" Jeongin exclaimed. "Don't put down the mood like that."

"It's the truth, Innie."

Meanwhile, in Jisung's bathroom, the two of them stood in front of the mirror, brushing their teeth. Their gaze met multiple times in the reflection of the mirror, but they quickly averted their gazes.

They were soon done with it and had rushed to finish their breakfast as well, Chan being kind enough to leave two fresh plates of food for them.

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