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Enzo's pov:

"Boss, someone wants to talk to you" Stefano walked in.
"Who is it?" There was only one person I hoped for.


I hadn't seen or heard from her in two weeks, the only piece of information I got was from Charlotte saying she was fine. Lilly's absence was driving me crazy, it is lijkt I can't function anymore.

"Togliti di mezzo" that voice sent ice through my veins. How dare he come here.
"Figlio" he walked in.
"Padre '' I said as I saw him in front of me. "Leave us alone Stefano."
(Italian: Get out the way/son/father)

"How dare you show up here after what you did to mama. Be happy you didn't die" I scowled at him.
"I have something you're interested in."
he sat himself on the chair. He grabbed something from his coat and threw it on the table.

It was an envelope, with my name and address. The handwriting was familiar. I looked at the back and saw a heart on the top. Lilly, she always draws a heart on the top of the envelope.
My blood started boiling.

"What did you do to her?" I almost hit him but I started to feel dizzy. My sight was black dots and the strength in my legs gave up.


I opened my eyes slowly. The dizziness was still in my body.

I looked around, not recognizing where I was. I tried to get up; I couldn't. I was tied to a chair.

How could I let this happen, how did I end up here? Oh no. My father. My father poisoned the envelope. I will get him. I just needed to get out of here.

"Son, already leaving?" He opened the door, letting a bit of light through. I was in my basement where I tortured people. There was blood on the walls and floors, chains hanging from the ceiling.
He put on the light, lighting the room a bit.

"Tell me what you did to Lillian?" I tried to wrangle myself out of the chair but that didn't work out, my wrist burning.

"Why don't you see for yourself" he signed. "Bring her in."

A frame walked through that door.
"Enzo" she screamed
"Lilly''  I screamed back
I saw her coming closer to me, her hands were also tied and she had a large man behind her that held her back.

I kept yelling as the man tied her to the chains.

"Isn't it cute, two people in love. My son in love who would have taught" he grabbed Lilly force by her arm, a tear leaving her eyes. The man walked over to me, placing duct tape over my mouth.

He hit her across the face, making her fall on the ground. A slow grunt left her mouth. I tried everything in my power to break through but I was tied too hard. She slowly got up but then got hit again.

I screamed and yelled so hard but nothing got me out of here.

The love of my life was getting tortured by my own father and I couldn't do a single thing about it.

I saw her face, she was holding back. She didn't want me to see this.
"Get up whore" my father said, grabbing her arm but Lilly's body doesn't follow.

"Please don't, i'm pregnant" she begged. I was in shock. I didn't hear her so well.
"Please don't hit me, I'm having a baby. Please." Lilly sobbed.

Is she pregnant?

I tried to scream at the top of my lungs but it came out flustered.

Pleas don't hurt her.

He started kicking her. Her legs were already bruised. She kept her hands on her stomach as she tried to not make a sound. As my father hit her.

One kick followed the other. She was bruised all over her body, my father has been kicking her stomach for the past minute. I closed my eyes because I couldn't bear watching anymore. I was defenseless.

"Done, you'll thank me later son when you dump this slut." He spitted on Lilly and walked through that door.

The man got het out of the chains but she just fell back on the ground.

I screamed.

I saw Lilly opening her eyes, seeing me. She tried to get up but fell. She crawled to me, blood leaving her body. She threw herself on me, struggling to untie me.

I felt my hands get loose. She untied them.
I hugged her as I felt her body lose energy. "Lilly, please stay awake"
"Help" I yelled.

Rafe came in the doorframe, seeing Lilly's body on me, blood coming from it. "Help me please" I begged as I held Lilly.


I saw Lilly's eyes open slowly. I walked over to her, grabbing her hand. "Enzo"
she was silent for a minute.

"We are going to have a baby." she breathed out.

I already knew it. The doctor did an exam on her and said she has a miscarriage from the kicks of my father.

I felt my heart sink to the bottom of my body. "Lilly..." I heard her gasp, she held the sheets and saw the blood between her legs. Her shaky hand got to her mouth. I saw all the memories flowing back in her head.

From all the reactions I expect, I expect this one the least. She remained silent, not a single emotion on her face.

"Lilly, all you alright?" I asked, she looked at me right in the eye.
"I'm fine" she stood up and walked to the bathroom. I wanted to follow her but maybe she needed space and privacy.

She had a miscarriage caused by my father. He will pay for this.

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