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Lillian's pov:

*1 week later*

I was sitting on my bed doing homework.

It has been a stressful week, it was like my world shattered last week.

Finding out about Lorenzo, him standing up for me. It was all so chaotic.

When we came down the stairs, all eyes were on us. I saw my dad, he looked furious. "You piece of shit, you think you will get away with that?" He grabbed my arm and pulled me outside. It was late so it was freezing. He slapped me on my cheek. I wasn't steady on my heels so I fell on the ground. He got behind me and grabbed my neck. "You listen well, you will do everything I ask you without hesitation. Next time you're dead. Understand me?" I was scared he was going to do something.

"I understand" he let go of me. I was so exhausted I could sleep here on the ground. Zane took my hand and we got in the car. I was surprised my dad didn't do anything.


I looked at my phone. It was quite early to sleep but I was so tired.

Lorenzo sent me a message during the week. He asked if I wanted to babysit. I didn't answer.

I don't know if I wanted to be around him anymore.

Ever since that ball, I had this weird feeling, it wasn't butterflies but it was a certain attraction. I decided to distance myself a bit. We will see where the future brings us.

I wanted some warmth, so I went to my bathroom to take a hot shower.

The warm water got all over my body. It felt so good. I was just letting it go all over my face. I wished I could wash last week off my body.

I grabbed my pajamas and went to bed. I grabbed my book to read a bit.

My eyes were falling down so I turned off my light and fell asleep.


I woke up hearing a ringing sound. Was I dreaming?

I looked at my clock, 3:16

Why was there a ringing sound at this hour? I pinched myself to see if it wasn't a dream. It wasn't.

The sound was near me, I could hear it.

I raised my sheets. It was my phone. Who is calling at this hour?

The caller didn't have a name.

"Hello, who is this?"I heard heavy breathing on the other side.

"Lillian" I heard. I couldn't hear much because of the heavy breathing.

I immediately recognized his voice. "Lorenzo, is everything alright?" I was starting to get worried. "No, I need you" It was almost like he was crying. "Hold on, I am coming."

I ran downstairs, I couldn't care how I looked. Lorenzo needs me. I put on the first pair of shoes I could find and ran to my car.

My car wouldn't turn on. "God, now is not the moment." I punched the steering wheel. I tried again. It worked.

I think I broke all the speeding limits.

I grabbed the key and opened the door. "Lorenzo," I yelled. I was worried.

The heavy breathing came from the kitchen. I ran as fast as I could.

He's curled into himself, knees pulled up to his chest, arms wrapped around his legs, head buried in his arms and he's shaking.

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