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Enzo's pov:

A family problem came up, you can't reach me
Lillian x

I read the note that was lying on the table, a family problem? Lilly hasn't spoken to her family in months. It was her handwriting but something wasn't right.

I tried calling her, voicemail. It said that I couldn't reach her. Bullshit. There was one thing I could do to check on it.

"Ciao Marco" I angry said. Not forgetting what her brother did.
"What is the problem in your family?"
"There is no problem in our family" he answered

I ended the call, Charlotte stood in the kitchen. She should know where Lilly is.
"Where is Lilly?" I stepped towards her, her face said it all. She knows it.
"Tell me where the fuck Lilly is!" she flinched "Don't speak to my wife like that '' Rafe grabbed my shoulder and pushed me away.

"I don't know" Charlotte said
She was lying. I leaned in and whispered in her ear so only she could hear it. "You will tell me where she is or you can say goodbye to your life and husband."

"Search her" I called my people, demanding to find her. They knew the consequences if they didn't find her.

Lilly's pov:

I woke up, not feeling nauseous. The sun hit my face as I stood on the balcony. Right in front of me is the eiffel tower. I was so used to coming here but every time it feels special. Paris was my second home.

Normally I stay in a hotel but Charlotte said I could use her apartment. Walking in the kitchen to make my coffee I stumbled over something. A cat.

"Hello sweetie" I picked it up and rubbed the belly. She looked like my childhood cat.

I sat at the table with my coffee, trying to write something in my diary. There's a knock at the door and I just stare at it for a second. Charlotte didn't say anything about people coming over.

I looked around, looking for the closest thing I could defend myself with. A hanger, that will do.

Keys were unlocking the door. I stood there in the position Enzo taught me. The door opened. I was ready.

We both screamed and I ran up the couch. "Lillian, what are you doing here?"
"Charles" I grabbed my heart. I thought I was about to have a heart attack.

"Charlotte told me I could be here for a while." I stepped off the cough.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"I'm here to feed Alex," he pointed at the cat. "Charlotte probably forgot to tell you." he laughed.

"It's good to see you, do you want to grab lunch?" I looked at my watch, it's already afternoon.
"Sure, I'm just going to change." I realized a minute ago that I was still in my pajamas.


"Merci" the waiter just took our orders.
"How have you been? It's been a long time since we last saw each other."
I didn't feel like sharing my life with someone I met once.
"I am good, graduated."
there was an awkward silence.

"Lillian, I have to tell you something. The night we met at my sister's wedding I have been thinking about you ever since, I can't get you out of my hand. I think I love you" my jaw dropped to the floor. He loves me. Maybe this was a prank or something.

I looked behind me to make sure he wasn't talking to someone else. No.
"Uhm Charles, how do I tell you this? I think you're a very nice and lovely person but-" "There's a but, that's never good." he said with a sad expression.

"I'm pregnant and in a relationship" I was in a relationship right. We weren't boyfriend and girlfriend but we also were not strangers. I saw the shock on his face.
"You are pregnant?"
"yes" it was weird to hear and say.

He was about to say something but the waiter placed the food in front of us. Charles looked annoyed. "Merci bien" the waiter gave me a quick smile.

"Lorenzo is a lucky guy." Wait, I didn't tell him anything about Enzo. "How do you know?"
"I saw you at the wedding, the way he looks at you and seen how protective he is I presumed it was him."

Right. Enzo, the father of my baby. Who didn't know I was pregnant.

"Thank you for lunch. I'll feed Alex now." "Goodbye Lillian" he kissed me on the cheek.

I arrived back at the apartment, needing to wear something more comfortable. I walked past a mirror. I stopped, lifting my shirt up. There was a human growing inside me. I rubbed my belly trying to picture myself pregnant.

Enzo needs to know, I was just too afraid to tell him. He is a good dad with Clara but did he want a second child? Did I want a child?

Dear Enzo,
I have something to tell you, I am too afraid to say it to you so i'm writing this letter. I'll come back to you. I just need some time to figure things out. I'm sorry I ran away. I'm pregnant. I know shocker. I am probably more surprised than you. We both didn't see this coming but here we are. I don't know what to do. I am not ready to be a mother, to have a child. Please just give me time to figure out what I want. I'll come back. I promise.
Lillian x

I grabbed the envelope and put the letter in it. I said goodbye to Alex and walked to the post office. I feel better now that I've written it and he will know the truth soon.

On my way to the apartment I stopped by a flower shop and picked out tulips . I deserve them. I was probably going to make dinner and eat it while watching a movie.

I grabbed my keys to open the apartment but I noticed It was already open.
"Hello" I slowly walked in. I probably forgot to close the door.

No one was in the apartment. I breathed loud. I put the flowers in a vase and on the table when I saw something in the corner of my eye.

I screamed.

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