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Lilly's pov:

I sprinted to the toilet, I felt so nauseous and tired. It's been one week since I've been feeling like this and twice I vomited today.

I splashed some water on my face. I was exhausted from feeling this week. Maybe it was the feeling you're supposed to feel after sex because me and Enzo did it another time, right after our first time but this time in the shower.

I took my phone and started doing research. Food poisoning, stomach flu, cold. one last thing, I made sure to reread it: pregnancy.

There was no way I was pregnant, we used a condom.
Oh fuck, we didnt use one in the shower but he pulled out.

I tried to calm myself down, it's got to be something else.

"Is everything alright honey?" Charlotte walked in seeing me sitting on the floor.
"What's wrong?" she asked as she sat next to me. I showed her my phone. She gasped.

"You think you're pregnant?"
"I don't know, I just have the flu or ate something wrong." I breathed out.

I wasn't pregnant.

"Okay, I am going to the store. Do you need anything?"
"No, thank you" I said as I tried to collect myself.


"Com in" I hoped it would be Enzo, I barely saw him this week. Charlotte peaked her head from the door. "Hi, I brought you something." She threw something on the bed. A pregnancy test. "Just do it to be sure"

I looked in the mirror, trying to distract my mind. It's just a test.

Scrolling through my phone, doing everything to distract myself. My heart was pounding as I finally had the courage to look at it. With sweaty and shaky hands I picked up the test. Deep breaths Lillian, I kept trying to calm myself down.

I closed my eyes. I didn't want to open them. I took a deep breath as I looked down at the test. I grabbed the box to check if I was right.

I cupped my hands in my face, tears filling my eyes. I looked at the test again.

Positive. I was pregnant.

"Sweety is everything alright?"
"Yes," I said, shaking. I'm too young to have a baby, I didn't want to be pregnant.

Charlotte walked in, she saw me breaking down. She didn't need to look at the test to know the answer. Her body hugged me. I was sobbing.

"It will be alright." she whispered. No, it will not. I wasn't ready to be pregnant. To have a child.

I stood up grabbing the test. "Where are you going?" Charlotte asked.
"I don't know, I need air, space." I grabbed my bag and started packing things into it. I knew where I wanted to go, where I needed to go to sort this out.

"Please don't say anything to Enzo, please. I'll tell him when I'm ready." I took my bag and headed outside.

EnzoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora