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Lillian's pov:

The past month has been hard and stressful, I was graduating in two weeks and had exams next week so I was studying till midnight and living off coffee.

I needed a little break since I had been studying for 4 hours straight. I slowly opened my door so I would wake no one up. I was walking to the stairs when I heard a door open. I slowly turned around. There he was.

The wedding was a month ago and he hasn't said a word to me. Every time he walks past me, it's like he doesn't see me. I don't exist to him. Everytime I hoped he would say anything, just anything. I missed his voice, his dimples when he smiled.

Today was the same, he walked past me without looking me in the eye, without looking at me, without saying anything.
He gave me the feeling that I did something wrong and I should feel guilty for what happened.

I tried to shake it off by watching some tv on the couch. I was so tired, I didn't sleep properly since the wedding and the studying didn't help. Only one episode I told myself, one episode. I felt my eyes get heavy and my breath slow down.

I woke up to the sound of the TV, Clara was sitting next to me watching it.
"Here's some breakfast" I almost jumped up to the ceiling, I didn't expect someone so early.

Charlotte handed me a plate with breakfast, it looked so good. "Thank you" it was early so my brain isn't functioning that much.
"What are you doing here?" I asked
Charlotte and Rafe had their own house so why would they be here so early.

"Rafe needed to discuss something with Lorenzo and I thought why not go with him" I took a bite off my toast as I gave her a small knot. Suddenly I got it all hot, I looked and there was a blanket over me, I don't remember laying this over me.

Charlotte could clearly sense my reaction when she said Lorenzo's name. "Did something happen between you and him?"

I told her the whole story of what happened last month between Lorenzo and me.

"Thank you for breakfast and listening" I hopped out off the couch and made my way upstairs for another study session.


"Lillian Bianchi" I stepped onto the podium and shook hands with the headmaster, he gave me a big smile "sono fiero di te."
I gave him a big smile in return and took my diploma. I turned around and saw my mom, Marco and Mario sitting on the front row clapping their hands.

I returned to my friends and immediately hugged them. This was probably the last time we were going to be together as a group. "I'm going to miss you guys." Elena said with tears in her eyes.

I saw my mom running towards me, she had a big bouquet of flowers in her hands. "Lillian" she took me into a hug. "I'm so proud of you, Zane would have loved to see this. He is so proud of you." That's right, the only person missing was Zane.

"I'll see you later, love you" she kissed my cheek and went away.

"Who's hungry?" Dante called, I was so hungry because I haven't eaten anything today from the stress. We went to our cars and drove to our favorite place to eat.

We ordered almost everything from the menu. Tonight will be a night to remember.

They came with our food and it was so delicious, they even brought extra because we came here a lot. The chef came out and explained everything and hoped we would come back soon.

The realization hit me, this was going to be our last time together, everybody is growing up and will have jobs soon, start a family. It seemed like yesterday that we were in kindergarten and playing.

We said our goodbyes to each other and headed home. I didn't want to go home, I wanted to stay with them but they were going on vacation. Maybe I will book a vacation.

I came home to the darkness. I needed someone to talk to but it was midnight and everybody was asleep.

There was one option, I said I will do it once a week but I needed it today. Going to Zane's grave. I went there once a week and I have been this week but I needed to talk to him, tell him how I feel. Even he wasn't there to answer me; I felt his presence.

I took my stuff and headed out, it was only a ten minute walk and I could use the fresh air.

It was a bit cold so I put my hoodie on. A car zoomed right next to me. He was definitely breaking the speed limit. I took my phone to play some music when I heard another loud engine riding next to me. It was the same car, just going slower. I couldn't see who was in it.

I started to panic a bit when flash lights came from behind me, I looked and it was the same car. He was driving a few meters away and drove very slowly. Was he following me?

I started to walk a bit faster and the car sped up. I wasn't walking anymore, I was running for my life. I took my phone and dialed in the number I could remember. No one picked up. I tried another time, nothing. I left a voicemail hoping he would pick up. I tried again, again, again. Nothing.

I was so exhausted from running, I looked behind and they were away.

I hid behind a bush, trying to catch my breath when suddenly two men appeared in front of me. I screamed as they took me by my arms. I tried to hit one of them but they were too strong.

Then it goes dark.

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