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Lillian's pov:

I rang the doorbell, ''Hey Lillian'' Tony said while opening the door. ''Thank you so much for coming on short notice''. ''No problem'' I said

I walked in the house, they had a beautiful house, it was modern but still had that cozy feeling.

Ava greeted me in the living room. She was his wife. They were one of a kind couple, there was no cheating involved which is surprisingly because when you are in the mafia and married, they all cheat, especially the men. Ava and Tony weren't like that,  they where just love. I hope in the future I can be like them, loving and caring for one another .

Ava said that Sara was in the kitchen. I walked to the kitchen to be greeted with a big smile from Sara .

Ava and Tony kissed their daughter and left. They said they were going to be home around twelve.

After Sara was done eating she wanted to go outside, it was the end of fall so it was cold. I put her jacket and shoes on. They had a big slide in the back of their garden. She ran towards it. I guess she loved it because it was very long. We went on it together like thirty times. I was exhausted but she wanted again so I just stood by the end to catch her.

I wanted a bit of her energy, how does this girl get so much energy? It was getting colder and darker so we went inside.

She was watching Barbie on tv, I made her watch that because it is just so iconic. We both loved it.

She wanted some sweets, so I was making a little bowl with her favorite ones.

We watched two episodes before she started yawning. ''Is someone tired?'' I laughed.

We went upstairs to brush her teeth and put on her pajamas. She was half asleep when I put her pajamas on. I carried her to her bed.

She wanted to hear a story, so I grabbed a book and started reading. By the time I finished she fell asleep. I kissed her goodnight and left her door on a crack. She liked it that way. I remember as kid I liked the door closed. So if my dad was yelling I wouldn't hear him.

I went downstairs and started doing my homework. It was a lot but it was easy, it took around two hours.

Once I was done with that I started cleaning up. So Tony and Ava came back to a nice and clean house.

I wanted children later but the way they leave a mess. I could not handle that. I put her toys away, and reorganized the pillows on the couch, cleaned the kitchen,....

Once I was done with that there was one task left, the dishes. Ihated cleaning up the dishes. I grabbed some sweets and put on music while letting the water get warm. I was dancing a bit when my music stopped, I looked at my phone and saw a message popping up.

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