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Lillian's pov:

I was walking to the house I needed to babysit. Surprisingly it was only a 10 minute walk. I asked the man the address and a day later he responded. I am sure he saw the massage. What an asshole!

I was a bit nervous because it was my first time babysitting this girl, I knew nothing about her. I wonder how he contacted me and got my number.

I didn't know the address so I used google maps. When it said I arrived at my destination, I looked up and saw this huge mansion. It was all black and modern, it had a huge garage. I couldn't see much because it had a fence around the house. I wondered who lived here? Properly a very rich guy.

I was a bit intimidated by the house so I was scared to ring the bell.

I rang the bell and the gate opened. I didn't know if I could step to the door or just stay here.

I walked to the door while looking around me. This house was beautiful. I think it could use some more color but if the owner liked black. Who was I to complain?

After a lot of steps I finally reached the door. It looked like expensive wood. I rang the doorbell while looking around me. I have so many questions about the house.

The door opened, revealing a short lady. She had ginger hair and looked like she was in her fifties. She looked lovely.
"Hello dear, you must be the babysitter." she said with a smile on her face.
"Yes, I am here to look after Clara" I said while walking in. I wanted to shake her hand but she pulled me into a hug. I loved hugs.

I looked around and my eyes caught something. It was a statue from a man sitting alone. I found it a bit pathetic. I loved art but sometimes people make something and call it art. If I put a banana on the wall with duct tape. I don't think that is art. Art should be an expression of your emotions. Was the maker of the statue lonely or sad? I don't know but I didn't like it.

The woman introduced herself, her name was Maria. She said she normally looked after Clara but her husband surprised her with a trip so she couldn't. She felt guilty for leaving her granddaughter behind.

I said she didn't need to feel sorry. Clara was in good hands.

Maria showed me around, their kitchen was beautiful, it was all black with a marble counter. I think their kitchen was bigger than my room.

We walked to the living room, there were a bit more colors which made me happy. It was like Tony's house. Modern but still that cozy feeling. Maria probably designed this. She looked like a woman who would design this.

After showing me around and saying some information before we went upstairs. It looked huge, there were like a dozen doors, it looked like a maze where you could easily get lost in. Maria walked to a door and opened it. There was this girl sitting on the ground playing with her toys. She looked so adorable.

I went to sit down next to her. She looked up and then I saw her big blue eyes. She jumped on me and I laughed. I love her already.

I took her downstairs to say goodbye to her grandma. We waved her out and walked back inside.

Heyyyy guys, hope you are enjoying the book so far. I know it is a bit boring now but it is the buildup for the rest of the story so yeah :)

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