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Lorenzo's pov:

I heard a gunshot and a scream.

It came from upstairs, I immediately ran up the stairs.

There was one door open.

I got in and saw Lillian standing there, she didn't move one muscle.

I moved next here and saw a body laying on the ground, there was blood everywhere.
A gun laid next to him.

I turned around to face Lillian, her face was so pale and her expression lifeless. I grabbed her by her arms, she didn't move.

"Lillian, are you okay? Lillian answer me!" I shook her body, nothing.
I turned back around. My men were handling the body, I recognized his face from the ball.

It was her brother.

Blood was over his body, he had a gunshot in his head.

What happened here?

The room looked like a mess, bed sheets were on the floor, food and empty packages on the nightstand.

Did they get into a fight and it ended drastically? Did he kill himself? Did Lillian kill him?

Lillian didn't move , she sank to her knees and touched his body.

"Zane, answer me. Zane please! you're going to be okay I promise just please say something" her voice sounded shaky.

I couldn't handle watching her trying to get life out of him. She knew he was dead but she still tried to get him alive.

I grabbed her waist and pulled her towards me. She screamed. She was trying to hold his body,

She wasn't crying, her face was still the color of white paper.
I carried her downstairs.

Her face remained emotionless. Her body was so stiff.

I placed her in the car, I wasn't sure what to do. Should I confront her, leave her alone.

She just saw her brother's body lifeless, who knows what other things she might have seen.

The drive was silent, she just looked outside.

We got home and she stayed in the car. "Lillian, we should go inside."
"What, oh yeah" her voice didn't sound sad.

I was worried something might be wrong, she just saw her brother die. She didn't let a tear slip her eyes, her face was emotionless, her voice wasn't her voice.

We walked together upstairs, she immediately went to her room and closed her door. I was outside listening, hoping I would hear something.



I guess she needed time to process it all. Maybe she was in denial or hasn't processed it. I wanted to check up on her but I had the feeling she wanted to be alone.

I dropped the papers out of my hand. I was supposed to work but Lillian was in my head. I was worried about her.
Fuck it, I walked to her room. I needed to know how she was feeling.

I stopped in the middle of the hallway when I heard a loud motor.

I immediately recognised it. It was my Ferrari F430 Scuderia. It was one of my favorites, no one has ever driven it except me.

I was thinking about my beautiful cars when the thought came to my mind.

Who was driving it?
It must be Lillian, she was the only one in the house. Clara was in bed.

I ran downstairs straight to my garage, I grabbed my motorbike and went after her.

We were on the highway and she was breaking all the speed limits. I think she was driving 200 km/h. She was pushing my car to its limits.

At this moment I couldn't care if my car crashed, as long as Lillian was safe.
That's all that matters.

I was hoping she would slow down so I could drive next to her but she was only going faster.

I don't care if she was driving to Paris or the moon, she had me by her side.

She finally stopped, we were at the beach.

She sprinted out of her car and ran towards the ocean. I realized she was still wearing the same clothes and there was blood all over her.

I parked my motor and ran towards her.

She was standing in the sea, I stood back a few meters, wondering what she was going to do.

She stood there still for a few seconds.

"Lillian," I said without thinking. I needed to know what she was doing.

She turned around, tears were covering her eyes.

"He's dead" she started crying.

I saw her knees weakening. I ran to her, grabbed her just in time before she fell in the sea.

Water was covering us.

I held her tight. "He's dead" her voice was squeaking.
"I know"

She was sobbing in my arms, "we should go, it's getting cold." Her head shook no, if we were staying longer here we would get sick.

I slowly got up, I took Lillian's hand with me. She was hesitant at first but then got up.

Her eyes were red and swollen, there were no tears anymore but you could see the sadness.

"I'll take you home, you can't drive like this"

I gave her my helmet and started my motor, she got behind me and held my waist.

We were driving back home, her head buried in my shoulder and her arms were holding my waist tight.

We arrived home, I wanted to get off my motor but she held me tight.

We were just sitting there enjoying the moment I guess, I wanted this moment to last forever but I knew that wasn't possible.

She did something to me, something I never thought I would allow.

I was pulled from my thoughts when the warmth left my body. Lillian's arms were gone.

She stood next to me, I turned to her and took my helmet off her head, her eyes weren't red but the she had sadness left her eyes.

She was making her way to the door when I felt something in my pocket. "Lillian, wait," she turned around.

A few hours ago a man from me gave me an envelope, Lillian's name was written on it. He said he found it while he was cleaning up the body from Zane.

She walked towards me, "what" her silent voice said. I gave her the envelope, she looked a bit surprised when I gave it to her.

"Someone found this. I didn't read it, it's for you." she nodded her head and took the note.

"Thank you" she forced a little smile on her face.

She walked away while I parked my motor.

I want to ask her what she is going to do, how she is feeling, what's going on in her mind, what she needs. Does she want to be alone or does she want Clara or me.

All these thoughts came to my mind but I was too scared to ask her. I wasn't scared of anything but somehow something little like that scared me.

I walked to Clara's room to give her a goodnight kiss when I heard a shower stream.
It came from Lillian's room, she must take a shower to wash all the blood off of her.

I walked closer to her door and laid my ear on it.

I heard tiny sobs coming from the other side.

Oh no, every bone in my body wanted to storm in that room to comfort her but my mind wouldn't let me.

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