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Lillian's pov:

*1 week later*

Today was the ball, I was so nervous. It was my first time as an adult so I had to participate in everything.

I haven't heard from Clara or her dad. Hopefully everything is okay.

I still haven't processed what happened last week. I felt something I never felt before and it felt weird but also exciting.

I still wonder what happened to him. I didn't believe his story. He just made it up. Maybe he didn't trust me enough? We only met 3 times so I understand it.

I hoped I could get to know him better. He is mysterious but I think he could be nice and sweet.

My mom came into my room with the dress, shoes and makeup. She was helping me get ready. I wasn't the best at makeup.

"Are you excited honey?" she asked with a sweet smile. I wasn't excited at all. It was like a deer being thrown into a cage full of lions. Everybody looked at you like they wanted to kill you. "Yes, I hope it is going to be nice."
I didn't want to disappoint her, so I lied.

"Is dad going to introduce me to someone?" I asked, knowing the answer already. He wanted me out of the house as soon as possible. I was always too young but now I am at a legal age.

My mom looked at me with her eyes watering. I know she wished she could stop it. "It's okay mama" I pulled her into a hug.

I hope it will be someone respectful, that was my main care. Arranged marriages don't work out in most cases. You have a baby for an heir and then they just cheat. I wasn't ready for that. I wanted someone to love me and to take care of me.

I took a warm shower to relax all my muscles and feel better.

I dried myself off, put body lotion and perfume on.

I was a bit more relaxed than before.

My makeup was done, it wasn't much. Just some eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara and lipstick. I wanted it simple

I went into my room to put on my dress and jewelry.

My mom gave me my mask.

My mom gave me my mask

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