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Lillian's pov:

I just got this message from this anonymous man. He is annoying for not telling me his name. I hate people who think they are funny.

The reason I took that job is because I can't resist children. I love them so much. Maybe he is some serial killer or psychopath. I hope not. If I die nobody would care honestly, maybe Zane and my mom.

In 2 weeks there will be this yearly masquerade ball. It was hosted by the most powerful mafia in Italy: The Sainz family. There was not a lot known about this family. Rumors say that their son Lorenzo has a heart of ice and kills anyone he doesn't like. Not many people have seen him, the ones that did died. His nickname was "the devil".

These balls were organized to do business with other mafia, arranged marriages,.. the Sainz family have weird balls. You have to do weird things to 'prove yourself'. I was never allowed to do these things since I was younger than 18. This year I turned 18 so it was my first time doing such a thing. They once had to bring their pet, and shoot it. I would never do that. Things got more extreme each year. I wonder what it is going to be this year?


Tony and Ava got home around twelve like they said. I said goodbye and walked home, our home is only a 5 minute walk so it wasn't that far.

I got to the front door silently. If I would make a noise everybody would wake up. I was going upstairs until I heard a cough behind me. I didn't want to turn around but I did. I saw my dad sitting in his chair smoking a cigarette.

"Where were you?'' he said with an angry voice. "I was babysitting''.
"You didn't tell me!'' his voice was getting higher and higher. I told mom but forgot to tell dad, this was a big mistake. "I'm sorry'' I said with tears in my eyes. I know what was about to come. He put his cigarette down and started walking towards me.

I was trying to run away but he grabbed my arm and turned me around. "You piece of shit'' he spitted on me. My bruises were just starting to heal...

He was gripping my arm so hard it could break. He pulled me into his office and closed the door. ''Make no sound'' he whispered. He lit a cigarette and started sucking on it. I was watching him wondering what was next. He pulled my top so my back was free. I guess he saw the bruise healing and laughed "I should hit harder next time.''

I was feeling a burning sensation on my back. Tears were all over my eyes but I didn't make a sound knowing it would get worse. He took the cigarette off my back and walked to the door. "Next time you tell me something or I will burn a smiley on your back." He left his office. I was crying on the floor. It hurted so much. Why was I so stupid for not telling him?

I ran to my room and got the bruising kit. If I was quick with applying the ointment it wouldn't leave a scar.

I put a bandaid on the burn and went to sleep.

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