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Lillian's pov:
Here are some moments from what happened during the 2 months she was kidnapped and missing.
There are a lot of  TW in this chapter so if you are sensitive I would recommend to skip this.

I slowly opened my eyes as the sun hit me right in the face. My head hurt so much. I tried to cover my face but I couldn't get my hands up. I looked and saw them zip-tied. Where was I?

"Hello, hello? Help me" I shouted. I started to look around and saw an unknown place. The walls were dark and looked abandoned. I tried to loosen myself but that wasn't working. I started to panic.

A sound came which made me flinch. I looked around and saw no one, suddenly my shoulder was tapped and a man came from behind me. "Ciao princess" he leaned in and touched my hair. I tried to hit him with my head but he quickly grabbed me by my neck and used a lot of strength. "I wouldn't try that again," he smirked.

He grabbed his phone and turned it towards me. I saw myself in the camera, blood was coming from my head and my eye was bruised. "I'm Nico," he said proudly.
Nico, that name sounded familiar.


I have heard a lot about him but it was my first time seeing him. I tried to study his face, he had a scar above his eyebrows, and pinched black eyes.

He trailed his finger over my tight, getting higher every second. I couldn't do anything since I was tied up. I tried to move my chair but fell. My body hit the cold floor.
"What did I say, do you think you can run away from me? You're my new treasure. It took a lot of planning and thinking to get you but it was all worth it. You were so easy to catch. Soon I'll be the most powerful mafia to ever exist." he laughed at me.
"You wish" I spit on his face.

He pulled the chair up and wiped his face
"I'm going to have a lot of fun with you. Just wait" That was the last thing he said before walking away. Tears started to well up in my eyes.


I screamed as loud as I could as my father stabbed a needle in me, tears were coming from my eyes. "Please stop" I tried to say before he punched me in my stomach. I couldn't do anything since I was tied up.

Nico stood there in the corner smiling at me "having fun sweetheart?" He walked over to me with a camera in his hand. He has been recording me everyday for the past week. "Smile for the camera" I don't know what he was doing with those videos but he sent one to Lorenzo he said.

My dad came every day to let his anger out on me, it wasn't what I was used to. Everyday he punished me harder and longer. Today he brought needles with him. Which he know I feared.


I hadn't eaten anything in 3 days and I was shivering from the cold. Elio came to me with a plate, there was barely anything on it.
"I snuck this with me," he said as he handed me a blanket.
"Thank you"

Elio has been coming over every 3 days with food and water. He has been very nice to me and helped me a lot.

He sat next to me, turning his head towards me. All I could do was cry when I was with him. He gently took my head and laid it on his chest while I let it all out. "I'm sorry," he said quietly. He said that every time he was with me. He gently lifted my head and wiped a tear away.

I don't know why he was doing all of this. He is supposed to be a bad guy, with Nico's mafia.


"No, please no" tears were coming from my eyes as my father stood in front of me, Nico in the corner with his camera. My dad held a knife in his hand. He had a really bad day. I tried to kick him. He wouldn't touch me.
"Stop it you spoiled bitch" he yelled as he grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head.

"You can't run away from me" the knife was gliding against my body. The cold metal made me shiver. "Please" I whispered.
"This is your payback for what you made me go through, you made my life miserable."

I screamed my lungs out as the knife went through me. My air was cut. I was gasping for air. I screamed again as my father pulled it out of my, blood was slipping over my stomach. I tried to put pressure on the wound but it all spilled out.

Last thing I could remember before everything went black was my father's smiling face.


Nico stood in front of me with his stupid camera. He lifted my chin up and put a gun on my head. I just want him to pull the trigger. I don't know how long I've been here and how long I am going to be here but all my hope of a savior was gone.

Please shoot me. Get me out of this hell.

"You really think I am going to shoot you love? Only a few more days and you're mine completely. I have already imagined the things that I want to do to you and you're going to like it. I already gave you a pre-show last week but that doesn't compare to what you're going to get." he kissed my lips and walked away.

A single tear came from my eye. All hope was gone. This is going to be my life from now on and I couldn't do a single thing about it. In the beginning I hoped Lorenzo would do something, I don't know how long I've been here but it feels like a decade. He probably moved on with his life.

Why was I so silly thinking he was going to save me? He has better things to do. I held onto a piece of invisible hope.


"We are under attack" Elio stormed the room and grabbed me. He ran outside into another house. He threw me on the ground. I couldn't process what just happened. It all happened so quickly. I tried to get up but fell. I felt so weak in my legs. My whole body felt like it was shattering every time I breathed.

This would probably be my death. Lying alone in a house.

I heard gunshots near me. They didn't sound close but at the same time they did sound close. I tried to protect myself by crawling to the corner. Halfway I just sank through my bones. My body gave up. I slightly grunted.

Heavy breathing came near me, followed by a familiar scent. It could only be one person. "Enzo," I whispered with my last hope.I was too tired to say his whole name.

Next thing I remember is feeling heat against my body with strong hands around my waist. I was lifted in the air. The movement was slow and gentle. I didn't notice it at first but then the cold hit my skin. I started to shiver.

"Just stay with me and keep your eyes open please" it was said so gently. I let my head fall on his chest and finally met Enzo's eyes.

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