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Lorenzo's pov:

I needed to handle some shit for my mafia. My parents were going away for the weekend and no one was here to take care of Clara. Normally my mom takes care of her but she isn't going to be here. It's not like I could take my little girl to work. She would be traumatized if she saw what I was doing. I couldn't leave her alone because she was only 1,5 years old. I don't trust anybody with my girl. This neighborhood was full of mafia who would kill me and my daughter.

I texted one of my close friends who had a kid to see if he knows someone.

Lorenzo: do you know someone to look after Clara

Tony: I am at dinner with my wife dont interrupt us!

Lorenzo: you say something or you will be dead tomorrow

Tony: Someone is taking care of Sara right now, she is sweet and kind + good with children.

Lorenzo: name

Tony: Lillian Bianchi

Lillian Bianchi, that name sounded familiar.


After a bit of research I found almost everything about her. Dad, Khai Bianchi a mafia leader. He wasn't that dangerous. She was his youngest child. She had three older brothers.

I don't know if I trusted her. Tony said she was good with children and babysitted Sara a lot. If I found out he was lying I would kill him without question. If she did anything to my daughter she would be dead within a second. I really needed someone to look after her so I just texted her.

Lorenzo: you will look after my daughter tomorrow,7 pm

Lillian: Who is this?

Lorenzo: doesn't matter, I need a babysitter

Lillian: You could ask me nicely.

Lorenzo: i am not nicely

Lorenzo: I will pay you a lot

Lillian: I don't care about your money.

Lillian: I will be there at seven.

I didn't know a lot about her personality but from what I have seen she seems annoying. I am glad I found someone to look after Clara.

If only Stella was here, she would probably be dead but still. If she didn't run away after our daughter was born.

She left a long time ago, my man have been trying to find her but she took out her chip and was nowhere to be found. I know she was alive, she would send a letter sometimes. No fingerprints or DNA was found. She was a dangerous woman, she also came from the mafia. We were arranged to be married. I never really liked her. We fucked once and 9 months later she had a baby. She didn't want the child and neither did I. It was too late for an abortion.
5 days after birth she ran away. If she showed up I would torture her. For everything she has done to me and Clara. She will die slowly.

I never loved someone and swore that day I will never love someone...

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