Chapter Fifty Nine

Start from the beginning

Once I got back to my room, I made my way over to the bed, grabbed a pillow and screamed into it. I was his mate, I was Alpha Alessandro's mate.

How was that even possible? Why was I, a human, his mate?

I needed further information on mates and how exactly I could use this so-called bond to my advantage. I could ask Rachel but any questions about mates would only further raise her suspicions about me and Alpha Alessandro and I couldn't have that, not yet, not until I knew how to use it to my benefit.

Teresa must have known I was his mate, he probably told her soon after she arrived which would explain why she helped me instead of killing me. Though she was must have been very conflicted, she didn't want to hurt her cousin's mate. It has nothing to do with me, just who I belonged to.

Who I belonged to?

What am I even thinking? How could I use that word to describe this? Belong. As if I was some sort of object.

A knock on the door had me jumping slightly as it pulled me out of my thoughts. Was it the Alpha? No, Alpha Alessandro most certainly would not knock on the door, he would barge in. Getting off the bed quickly, I made my way over to the door.

A gasp left my mouth as I saw who was standing behind it. There was one male standing there, who I presumed was a guard but it wasn't him who had me gasping out loud. It was the person standing beside him.

"Cami?" I whispered as I stared at my little sister's face. "Oh my god, it's you!"

I pulled her into my arms, words were coming out of my mouth but they weren't making any sense. It didn't matter though, Cami was here. "I've missed you." I managed to choke out in between my sobs.

"I've missed you too." Cami told me as she held on to me just as tightly as I held onto her.

We stayed like that for a few minutes as we sobbed into each other's arms. With great effort, I pulled away from her but still held onto her, scared that she would disappear if I let her go.

The Werewolf who brought Cami over to the room was still standing there, once we made eye he began to speak. "Alpha Alessandro will be here soon." With that he began to walk away, leaving me alone with Cami.

Pulling her into the room, I closed the door behind her. "Are you okay? How have you been?"

"Me?" Cami shook her head. "Are you okay? You're the one who's been trapped here."

Giving her a weak smile I answered her question. "I've been...fine." My answer wasn't a lie, the situation wasn't ideal but it's not as bad as it could have been.

"Did the Alpha hurt you? I'm sorry, you're stuck here because of me." A tear slid down Cami's face. "But that's going to change."

The determination in her voice had me worried. "Cami, why are you here?" In my happiness and delight in seeing my sister again I had forgotten that she should have been hundreds of miles away from here. She should be with Uncle Tom, safe and as far away from Werewolves as possible.

There was no way Alpha Alessandro would have brought her back, he made no indication to suggest that he would do that at all. Unless our earlier interaction had riled him up and this was his way of getting back at me because having Cami here would keep me on edge constantly, I would too worried about her accidently saying or doing something that would lead the disgusting pig's disappearance and death to us.

"Did Alpha Alessandro bring you here?"

Cami shook her head. "No, no one did."

"I don't understand." I told her truthfully. "Why are you here? Don't get me wrong, I'm so happy to see you but it's not safe for you here."

"It's not safe for you either." Cami pointed out. "And I'm no longer going to let you pay for my...mistakes."

My heart began to pound loudly in my ears as I stared at my brave but silly little sister. "What are you talking about?"

Cami raised her head up high, a strong and determined look crossed her face.

"I'm going to tell everyone the truth."


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter 

Let me know what you think is going to happen next

This story is coming to an end, there are 75 chapters in total so not long left to go! 

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Thank you for reading :)

-Kayy xx

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