Prologue - Vim - Again

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      A layer of snow had begun to form, and my heavy footfalls became even louder because of it.

I could smell it now. The wind had shifted. What had been clean, if but cold, air was now... tainted.

That wasn't just wood being burnt.

Looking up, I grimaced at the black smoke. I could just barely see the forming cloud of ash and smog through the treetops against the morning sky.

"Again?" I picked up my already strained pace as I cursed at myself.


The smell grew stronger as I rushed forward, ignoring the tree branches and limbs that tugged and scraped as I ran by. I ignored the herd of deer that had jumped up from their grazing spot, scattering in all directions as I passed them. I ignored the horrible truth that was deep down in my heart.


Through some trees, I finally made out the small village. The beginning of it. The familiar small storage building which the village used to store wood.

Bursting through the last row of trees, I slowed my pace as I approached what remained of the village.

Although the village was small, and nothing had really been built near one another... it didn't take long for me to take the whole area in sight. Especially since most of the buildings were already leveled. Already burnt to the ground.

Walking past the storage building, and the crackling fire that was growing large, I noticed the small field of blackness between it and a nearby house. The fire had spread, even with the snow falling.

"Again..." I growled, and tried to smell through the disgusting truth in the air. I tried to not just see if anyone was alive, but smell them too... and...

Tracks of feet and hooves scattered the area around the village. I heard no horses, and knew that the village hadn't had any. They had no need for them. Which meant...

"Is anyone alive?" I shouted, and did my best to strain my ears. I ignored the sounds of the few fires still burning. I ignored the sounds of the light wind, brushing the scattered snowflakes onto the still hot ashes and embers; causing them to sizzle.

I ignored the silence that hid behind all that.

"It's Vim!" I shouted, a little louder. Hoping for a response. Even if from one of the assailants. Especially from them.

Heading deeper into what had been the village center; I realized that most of the buildings had been set aflame. A few were still somewhat standing, and only three were still actually on fire... but...

My eyes finally found them, and my feet finally stopped for good.

Taking a deep breath, I studied the pile. Did my best to count them. Although burnt and charred, most looked to be in... one piece... so...

Seventeen, it seemed. Give or take a few.

That was everyone, if so.

I forced my feet forward, closer to the burnt pile, and hated the reality before me.

"Again," I accepted, staring at one of the sections. It was hard to tell, but I could see it. The forms. The parents, holding a child.

Blinking watery eyes, I glanced around. To see if there were any other bodies. Any human ones.

I couldn't see any... but humans sometimes buried their dead. Or maybe they had simply thrown them into the pile with the very people they just mercilessly slaughtered.

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