Chapter Fifty Six

Start from the beginning

"Hello? Alpha Alessandro?" I waved my hand dangerously close to his face yet there was still no reaction or response. How long was he going to be like this?

My eyes darted around the room and landed on the phone that was sitting on the desk. Would he notice if I used it? I took a hesitant step away from him and towards the desk, my eyes trained on him. As he continued to stand there like a twat, I took more steps away from him and towards the desk, my steps more confident and less hesitant.

I was almost there when he finally snapped out of the trance he was in. I groaned out loud as his body swung in my direction. Seriously? Couldn't he had just stood there for a couple of minutes longer, that's all I needed.

"What are you doing?" He asked, his voice sounding strange and croaky.

"Er, I was going to sit down." I quicky made something up, pointing to the chair behind his desk. "I didn't know how long you were going to remain like that."

His eyes darted over to the chair before moving over to the perfectly good sofa that was empty and I knew it was his way of saying he didn't believe me.

"You're lying."

I rolled my eyes. I asked him if I was his mate and he was more concerned about what I was doing near his desk?

"Speaking of lies, you didn't give me an answer. Am I your mate?"

This time his reaction to my question wasn't as extreme and strange as the first time. He made an attempt to seem causal, however, I could see the turmoil in his eyes. The chuckle he let out was forced and rough. "What a ridiculous question."

I crossed my arms, determined not to back down from this topic. "Well are you going to answer the 'ridiculous' question?"

"I don't answer to you."

"It's a simple yes or no question." I pressed further, however, his reluctance to answer the question was providing me with what I needed.

"Did Teresa speak to you?" His voice had returned to its original state.

"Yes." It wasn't a lie since she did speak to me but not about this whole mates thing. If he pulled me up on it later I would feign ignorance.

He let out a string of curses.. "What did she say?"

I answered his question truthfully. "She told me to speak to you. So what is the answer to my question?"

"Get out."

"Excuse me?"

"Get out of my room. You're lucky I'm not punishing your for the stunt you pulled earlier." He moved his hand in a dismissing motion and went over to his desk, eager for this conversation to end.

"What stunt?"

Alpha Alessandro narrowed his eyes. "The guard." He gritted out.

"Oh him?" I put on a coy smile on my face.. "I like him, do you think I have a chance with him?"

A muted growl bounced around the room. "You're playing a dangerous game, human."

I was but I didn't care.

"Why does that bother you?"

"It doesn't."

This time I let out a chuckle, it clearly did bother him and he was doing a poor job of concealing it. "So you would have no issue with us dating?"


I slowly began to make my way over to him. "When we kissed earlier, I felt the warmth from his body and I wanted to pull him closer to me."

Another growl echoed around the room but this time it was slightly louder.

"I should have pulled him closer and wrapped my body around his. Can you imagine us together? The things he would do to me?"

"Stop." Alpha Alessandro warned as his eyes began to darken.

"His hands would start here." I pointed at my hair before moving my hand down. "Then he would touch me here, his hands would move lower and lower." I moved my hands to match my words.

"Stop talking." He snarled the words out, his hands clenched into fists at his side.

Ignoring his command, I continued. "His lips would caress mine and he wo-"

I stopped talking but not because I didn't want to continue or Alpha Alessandro's threats got to me. I stopped talking because I had to, Alpha's words may not have got to me but something else did.

His lips.


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter 

Let me know what you think is going to happen next

The next chapter is slightly explicit so I may either skip it and include a overview or I'll try to include the chapter but cut down on the explicit scene- whatever works best

I'm trying super hard to be consistent with my uploads on all platforms but with a baby it's a lot harder than I expected, I think it's the lack of sleep that's killing me 😭

Anyways I will upload again in a few days but you can read the full story on

I recently updated all the tiers on my patreon to make it more easier for you guys! 

Thank you for reading :) 

-Kayy xx

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