Chapter Eighteen-III: Warning

Start from the beginning

Its already the day? Lisa how could you forget?!

" Lalisa?? Are you there??", Sehun said realizing her silence. Lisa quickly put the phone on her ear.

" Yes, yes oppa. I will come to pick you up.",Lisa said sweating a bit. She was having that unknown feeling creeping inside again.

" Sure, Thanks. I am missing you badly Lalisa...", Sehun said in a sweet tone. But why wasn't those type of words wasn't working on her anymore??

" Yes, Oppa. I too missed you.", Lisa said but not feeling any emotion inside of her. Those were feeling like empty words. 

" Then I'll see you tomorrow. Bye Lalisa.", Sehun said feeling something off emitting from her...

" Yes. Bye,Sehun oppa.", Lisa said while pressing the red button. Lisa was contemplating for some seconds. Why isn't she feeling happy that finally Sehun is coming back?? What is wrong with her???

Is it because of her guilt toward Jungkook?? She is feeling worse for him after reading those letters. She sighed deciding to go to sleep instead of giving her brain a workout.

She turned in order to leave but she widened her eyes seeing a figure standing. Her phone slipped from her hand seeing the person.


Jungkook hugged his uncle and aunty affectionately as they were leaving. Jungkook had tried to stop them for one more day, but they didn't agree.

" Aunty, take care of yourself and take your medications on time. And please visit us more often.", Jungkook said with an overflowing smile in his lips. Haeun smiled while caressing his cheeks and kissed his forehead. Taehyun was standing beside her with a blank hardened face. Lisa was often giving occasional glances at Taehyun.

" And Uncle, I decided on the matter you told me. I will work as the model of LS Fashions...", Jungkook said making both Hajoon and Lisa shocked.

" Are you sure you can handle it?", Hajoon asked and Jungkook nodded with an assuring smile.

" My mother-in-law asked me for something for the first time, I am bound to obey it.", Jungkook said with a smile stabbing Lisa's heart. As he had started taking the relationship seriously.

" Okay then. Good luck with everything dear.", Hajoon said giving him a smile while patting his shoulder. Then Jungkook darted his eyes towards his younger brother who was silent all the time.

" Hyunie... Are you fine brother?", Jungkook asked but Taehyun wasn't looking at him. He was staring at the ground. He nodded in the negative and hugged Jungkook tightly. Surprisingly he started crying hiding in Jungkook's shoulder.

Jungkook was stunned because last night he was being brave enough but now. However, he quickly hugged him back and started patting his hair.

" Silly. Why are you crying?? You can come and meet me anytime you want.", Jungkook said while he was becoming emotional too.

While crying on his shoulder, Taehyun raised his head and glared at Lisa who was standing in front of him giving her a hard offended look with his red eyes. And others didn't notice it. Lisa darted her eyes away avoiding his gaze feeling uncomfortable.


Lisa dropped her phone being shocked. Taehyun was looking at her with stunned look and wide eyes.

" T-taehyun?? What are you doing here ??", Lisa asked feeling nervous but was trying her best to hide it.

" I should be the one to ask you this. What are you doing here?!!!", Taehyun exclaimed making Lisa flinch.

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