Chapter 24: Death in the Family

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While Y/N was investigating Shipwreck Shore, Elsa continued on to Ahtohallan as the Nokk carried her while galloping on the top of the Dark Sea's water.

"Ah-ah-ah-ah," The voice called to her.

"I hear you and I'm coming," She replied in joy of the thought of getting answers to questions she had always had.

The Nokk continued to take Elsa to Ahtohallan ahead of them, and Elsa started to sing. "Every inch of me is trembling, but not from the cold. Something is familiar, like a dream I can reach but not quite hold. I can sense you there, like a friend I've always known."

They were getting closer and closer as they started to pass smaller glaciers that had split from the major one of Ahtohallan. When reaching the main part of land, Elsa hopped off of the Nokk right away, with the reins vanishing with her.

"I'm arriving, and it feels like I am home," Elsa continued, bowing to the water spirit, who bowed back. The Nokk then ran back along the water, with Elsa turning to Ahtohallan and started to walk closer to the wall of ice, most specifically where an opening was in the wall. She also undid the pony tail and let her hair down. "I have always been a fortress, cold secrets deep inside. You have secrets, too. But you don't have to hide."

Elsa looked down the opening in the wall of ice and saw a path before she started to walk down it.

"Show yourself. I'm dying to meet you. Show yourself. It's your turn," She sang while going deeper and deeper into Athohallan before coming to the end of the path to an area that was more spacious than the path. "Are you the one I've been looking for all of my life? Show yourself. I'm ready to learn. Ah-ah-ah-ah."

"Ah-ah-ah-ah," The voice added back while the back wall glowed in the same colors as the seal that she had seen above the Enchanted Forest around an opening tunnel. The light then collected itself and moved down the path as well.

"I've never felt so certain," Elsa continued before she started to run down the same tunnel. "All my life I've been torn. But I'm here for a reason. Could it be the reason I was born?"

Elsa continued to run after the light and for a moment ran her hand along the wall as she was right behind it. She soon leaped up and started to slide along the icy ground of the tunnel while the light moved along the walls. The end of the tunnel was quickly approaching and Elsa jumped up off the ledge at the end of it.

"I have always been so different," She added before waving her hand to make pillars of ice come from the ground for her to jump to to get the other side of the cavern where the path continued. "Normal rules did not apply."

She soon made it to the other side of the cavern and looked at the walls of the new tunnel she was in. "Is this the day? Are you the way, I finally find out way?" She continued while placing her hand on the wall, and the light reappeared before moving forwards.

The light moved to another area ahead that was blocked with pillars of ice. Elsa ran to it and moved her hands, making the pillars move to the wall around the opening.

"Show yourself! I'm no longer trembling," Elsa sang, while using her magic to move larger pillars that lay on the ground up and to the sides of the cave. "Here I am, I've come so far. You are the answer I've waited for all of my life."

Upon moving the large ice pillars, she saw a white ice door at the other side of the cave and went to it. She moved her arms up and then quickly down, making the door shatter into small ice crystals and fill the new dark area she was looking into.

"Oh, show yourself! Let me see who you are," She added while walking into the dark area.

She saw the crystals vanish while stepping a foot into the area and then reappeared into a leaf while she sent deeper into it, which floated for a little bit. It swirled around her and moved away, turning into a larger crystal. A purple set of the crystals then did the same thing, however it turned into Bruni instead of a leaf before moving away and turning to a large crystal near the other one. A brighter blue and a darker purple set of crystals followed, forming into the Nokk and an Earth Giant before they moved from Elsa to the other set of large crystals.

Frozen: Electrifying Hearts (Elsa x Male Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang