Chapter 9: Coronation Day Gone Wrong

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Elsa stood in front of the Bishop, on the altar, in the church as the choir harmonized. Anna, as the crowned Princess, stood next to her sister's right side on the altar as well. She was almost late as she tried to explain what happened, something about a guy and a horse knocking into her, but Y/N was more concerned with actually getting her to where she needed to be. Y/N, as Elsa's guard, stood to her left.

Y/N could tell that the two sisters just wanted to talk to one another and rekindle the friendship they had when they were children. He wanted that as well. He was tired of Anna not being able to know about Elsa. He understood why their parents did this when they were all children, but he now sees that keeping them separated was not the right way to go about it for all of this time.

The Bishop held the crown in his hands as Y/N noticed that Anna was looking at a man in the crowd that sat in the pews of the church. This man had auburn colored hair with sideburns. Y/N could also tell that this man was a part of some royal family due to his clothes. The man waved at Anna, as she then gave a small wave back. He looked nice, but after the years of being on his own, Y/N could tell if someone was not of what they seemed.

And this man was the very definition of it.

Y/N then regained his attention to the actual Coronation that was happening. Elsa bowed down as the Bishop placed the crown of Arendelle upon her head.

As she then stood up, the Bishop held a pillow that held the orb and scepter that Elsa would have to hold with her hands free from her gloves.

She was nervous, as she remembered what Y/N's plan to keep her magic hidden from everyone was again.

"My magic can melt your ice," He started to explain. "I'm going to use it to warm your hands a little, just so you can hold the orb and scepter long enough to fulfill the requirement. I can do it right before, when you hand me your gloves to hold onto."

Elsa started to take off her gloves as her hands started to shake. Y/N turned to her as he then helped to calm her down as he discretely used his magic to warm her hands a little. For as long as she could remember, ever since her magic got out of control, her hands were always cold. She loved how they felt now. She felt like she was finally in control over her magic. She loved that Y/N was able to help her with his. She loved that he was always there for her.

Elsa breathed as she then took hold of the orb and scepter. The Bishop then started his prayer as Elsa turned to face the crowd of people in the church as they all rose from their seats.

Y/N looked into the crowd as well when Anna and himself turned as well. Everyone looked happy to see Princess Elsa becoming Queen. However, there were two people that Y/N noticed that looked different from the rest. The first was the auburn hair colored man. He looked like he was unimpressed and had better things to do at the moment. The second was an older man who looked to be a duke. He looked like he was observing every detail, for anything that might be out of place per say.

Y/N did not trust these two men. They were trouble.

As the prayer continued from the Bishop, Elsa looked at her hands as she felt the coldness to them return. She saw that the two objects were starting to slowly become covered in her ice as she quietly gasped.

"Breathe," Y/N reassured her as he noticed what was happening as well.

"Queen Elsa of Arendelle," This Bishop soon announced to the crowd.

As soon as the man said that, Elsa replaced the two holy objects onto the pillow as Y/N handed her the gloves back.

"See?" Y/N whispered as she put them back on. "You did wonderfully, my Queen."

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