Chapter 16: Thawing Frozen Hearts

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Kirstoff and Sven were walking on the hill that overlooked Arendelle as they were walking back to the North Mountains. They were still a little tired from the mad rush to the Kingdom.

Sven was behind his friend by a few yards. He looked back at Arendelle. He then realized that the purple in the blood drops he had seen was the same color as Y/N's lightning and feared that something may be wrong. Shaking his head and winning, he looked back at Kristoff who continued on. Sven ran ahead to be in front of Kirstoff before stopping right before him as he looked his friend in the eyes.

"What is it, buddy?" Kirstoff asked him with the reindeer then nudged his antlers into his side. "Hey, watch it. What's wrong with you?"

Sven snorted and grunted as a response.

"I don't understand you when you talk like that," Kirstoff told him as he then started to walk again. Sven then quickly caught his friend in is antlers. "Hey! Stop it! Put me down."

Sven then tossed him onto the ground, hard, as he stood before him and grunted.

"No, Sven! We're not going back," Kirstoff told him. "Y/N needs our help, or else his heart is going to freeze."

Sven snorted.

"And Anna's with her true love," Kirstoff added.

Sven then looked at him with a 'really' look on his face.

They then heard winds pick up with a storm that started to swirl above Arendelle castle. The clouds were dark, and Kirstoff could just barely see that more ice started to coat the castle. The Kingdom was going into an ever deeper freeze.

"Anna!" Kirstoff said in concern and it was at this point that he realized that Y/N was right. He was in love with Anna and wanted to tell her how he felt. He did not care that she was already engaged to Prince Hans since, from what Y/N had said, he was really suspicious. But, he did not know if he should go back. For if he did, Y/N's life would be at risk. "What do I do?"

Kirstoff and Sven then heard a horse come running up to them. The horse was pale white and looked like it was a palace horse, but not from Arendelle. The rider, was someone who Kirstoff recognized when he left Anna in Arendelle. It was the man with the brilliant blue coat that was leaving the castle's main part with a brunette woman in the light purple cloak. The coat looked more turquoise than blue, now that he could see it much closer.

"Glad I was able to catch you up with you," The man spoke as he got off the horse and gave him an apple. "There you go, Max."

"Who are you?" Kirstoff asked.

"I am Prince Eugene Fitzherbert of the Kingdom of Corona, but you can also call me Flynn if you want," The man answered with a smile as his teeth were showing.

"I am Prince Eugene Fitzherbert of the Kingdom of Corona, but you can also call me Flynn if you want," The man answered with a smile as his teeth were showing

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"Wait, Corona?" Kirstoff asked. "Isn't the Princess from there the second cousin to the Queen and Princess of Arendelle?"

"Yep," Flynn replied. "We came to the Kingdom to see the Coronation."

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