Chapter 15: True Intentions

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Elsa started to stir awake as she felt the stiff wooden boards under her as she was laying down with a blanket over her. She started to get up from the bed as she saw she was in a room with grey stonework, and a brown wooden door. There was a window to the far side of the room as well, with light from the outside word peering through.

She ran over to the window. She needed to see where she was, and what the outside world looked like. When she was a few feet from the glass, she was stopped as she felt her arms move back. looking back, she saw that her hands were in steel cuffs that were chained to the middle of the floor within the room. This was when she realized that she was in the dungeons of Arendelle castle.

She moved a bit, looking at the cuffs as she then looked out of the window. She saw that fjord was completely frozen over with the ships being frozen as well.

"Oh, no," She said upon seeing it. "What have... What have I done?"

She then heard the door start to be unlocked as Hans entered the room with a lantern in his hand as he then set it next to the door.

"Why did you bring me here? And why did the Duke of Weasletown's men attack us?" She asked firmly as she realized something. "Where's Y/N?"

"I couldn't just let them kill you," Hans told her as he walked over and stood before her, with is arms crossed. "The Lieutenant is being looked over as his injuries are healing."

"But I'm a danger to Arendelle. Get Anna," Elsa told him.

"Anna has not returned," Hans informed her. She gasped and looked out of the window. "If you would just stop the winter. Bring back summer, please."

She turned back to the Prince. "Don't you see? I can't," She told him as she wanted this to all be fixed, but she did not know how to fix it. "You have to tell them to let me go."

"I will do what I can," Hans told her as he then walked back to the door, locking it behind him.

Elsa was breathing heavily as she then looked down at the cuffs covering her hands with ice starting to spread over them along with the edges of the floor of her cell. Being locked up again, was started to make her lose control of her magic.

Hans on the other hand, had one more stop to make within the dungeons to where Y/N was being held. During the trip back to the castle, his hair had turned even more white than it was when they had found him. Y/N had shivered a few times, which was interesting to the Prince. Hans wondered what had happened for this to happen.

He opened the wooden door to another cell as he then opened the room. Y/N was there, sitting on a bed as his hands were cuffed and chained to the middle of the room as well. The cuffs were a little small as they reached to be about half way up his palm, but they still got the job done. The wounds on his ear and leg were treated, with both of them almost being healed completely as there was a small purple glow coming from them, that does not mean that the pain from them is gone.

Y/N glared at the Prince as he set the lantern down. "Why did you go to the mountains when you were in charge? And why one God's green Earth did you allow two of the Duke's men to join you? You know that the Duke wants Elsa and I dead."

"Anna's horse had returned without either of you and we feared the worst had happened, I'm glad that Elsa and yourself are okay," Hans explained.

"Sure you are..." Y/N jested.

"And for the guards, I'm already planning on speaking to the Duke to find out what exactly happened as the two that attacked Elsa and yourself are being held under watch by the royal guard," Hans added as Y/N could tell he was lying by how often he was blinking. "Either way, the guards will be charged with attempted murder and hung. I cannot have men running around rogue in my Kingdom."

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