Chapter 20: Four Become Awake

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Time had passed into the third year after the 'Great Thaw.' Arendelle had taken its place as one of the most predominant Kingdoms in the world since reopening the gates. This year, would be the third anniversary of Y/N and Elsa's marriage. Their relationship was as strong as ever. However, since hearing the strange voice and strumming of a guitar, they felt like they belonged less and less in Arendelle. They felt like there was something more outside the Kingdom for them. They did not tell any of this to Anna, knowing that it would only make her worry for them more than she already did. 

There was currently a small gathering within Arendelle castle. Elsa had excused herself from it a little earlier. She was outside on the balcony, looking at the river which was just North of the castle. She was wearing a shoulder-less purple light dress and had her hair in the same french braid, that she has kept her hair in.

She then felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around her waist with Y/N's head leaning onto her right shoulder.

"They're waiting for us, Ice Angel," He whispered into her ear before kissing her cheek, making her fall into his arms.


"What? Can't I kiss my wife?"

"It's just that you missed," Elsa stated before turning to kiss Y/N on the lips.

"Ah-ah-ah-ah," The mysterious voice that the two have been hearing for the past three year hummed again, making them break from their kiss to look North.

"It is getting more frequent," Y/N spoke before letting go of his wife.

They stood on the balcony for a moment longer. Y/N noticed the red sparrow that he remembers first seeing right after the two had become married. He wondered why this bird was always close by, no matter what season.

The two turned back and started to go back into the castle, as a bright pink leaf flew past. It traveled through the Kingdom with the leaves of the trees in pink, red, and orange, showing the fall season in full swing. It flew past the trees and buildings, where it eventually flew past Anna, with the slight breeze making her shudder.

The Princess was as happy as ever. She was able to rebuild her relationship with Elsa after being apart from childhood. She was happy that Y/N finally proposed to her and that they were perfect for each other. Her relationship with Kirstoff was also as strong as ever. She was taking it slow with Kirstoff, because of how Hans had affected her, but she wonders if Kirstoff will eventually propose to her.

Anna was on her way to meet up with Olaf. She soon found the snowman and went past a fence gate where he laid on a pink picnic blanket.

Anna chuckled upon seeing Olaf and walking over to join him as she sat down. "Enjoying your new permafrost, Olaf?" 

"I'm just living the dream, Anna," Olaf answered her. "How I wish this could last forever."

"Mmm," Anna hummed in agreement as a leaf fell from a tree above Olaf.

He snatched it with his pointer finger and thumb before sitting up. "And yet, change mocks us with her beauty."

"What's that?"

"Forgive me," Olaf stated. "Maturity is making me poetic. Tell me, you're older and thus all-knowing. Do  you ever worry about the notion that... nothing is permanent?"

"Uh... no," Anna answered.

"Really?" Olaf asked. "Wow, I can't wait until I'm ancient like you so I don't have to worry about important things."

"That's not what I mean," Anna corrected before laying down on the blanket with the snowman. "I don't worry because... Well, I have you and Elsa and Y/N and Kirstoff and Sven... And the gates are open wide... And I'm not alone anymore."

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