Chapter 26: Maelstrom

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On the Flying Dutchman Davy Jones looking into the sky, seeing the swirling clouds and the incoming storm about to come down upon them.

"Calypso," The infamous captain whispered upon as thunder and lightning started to rumble in the sky above.

Jones started to seethe in rage and regret of ever betraying the sea goddess, but he could not fix it now. He let out an anguished cry while the ship continued to sail the sea. It started to rain and the winds started to pick up more so than before as well.

On the other side of the sea, the Black Pearl started forward as well. The crew continued to get ready for the incoming fight.

"Have you noticed, on top of everything, it's raining?" Pintel called to Ragetti.

"That's a bad sign," The one eyed man responded while the walked on the deck to their post.

"Man the capstan. Raise the main topyard," Gibbs Junior ordered the crew. "Keep that powder dry."

On the helm deck, Y/N had his hands in the air, creating the storm to give the Dutchman a disadvantage, hopefully. A large bolt of lightning struck the midpoint between the two ships. And then again as a whirlpool started in the waters, but it soon became a Maelstorm.

"Maelstorm," Gibbs Junior called to the helm while Y/N moved his arms down.

Y/N looked back at the helm, seeing another pirate holding the wheel steady. There was only one man that would be able to sail a Maelstorm, and they had that man.

"Captain Barbossa!" Y/N called out to the pirate captain who overlooked the side of the ship, looking at his hand. Barbossa turned his head back. "I need you to take the helm."

Barbossa then turned Y/N. "Aye, that be true."

He marched over to the wheel of the ship, tearing the other crew member away from it and taking hold of it himself. "Brace up yards, you crack-handed deck apes," He called to the crew.

 "Brace up yards, you crack-handed deck apes," He called to the crew

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"Dying is the day worth living for."


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