Chapter 2: Best Friend

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By the time the search party that had left Farfoss to find the two Princesses of Arendelle had returned, the two had fallen asleep upon traveling back with their father upon his house. Y/N was still awake as he rode with one of Agnarr's men, but was getting tired.

The part of the party that was still with King Agnarr had reached the estate as Queen Iduna rushed out of the building in the frantic state that she was, due to not knowing where her daughters were. Upon seeing them asleep on her husband's house, she eased up a little and continued over. Agnarr handed Anna to her before he got off the animal and held Elsa.

"They are okay," Iduna said out of relief.

"They were a little shaken when I found them. Bandits had cornered them upon a cliff, but thanks to him they are okay," Agnarr told her as he gestured to Y/N, as he got off of the house he had rode on. She was surprised to see a boy to be the savior of their daughters. Agnarr then lowered his voice to a whisper. "Elsa told me that he has powers. Lightning instead of ice."

The Queen was shocked. "Another with powers like Elsa?" She asked. "She's not alone. But what was..."

"Oh, he is Y/N," The King then added, upon noticing he never said the name of the boy.

"What was Y/N doing out so late?"

"And so far from any kind of village? I have that question as well," Agnarr added as he shifted to wave Y/N over to follow them into the estate. "I'm concerned about his well being. That's part of the reason as to why I insisted that he come back with us here. I have every intention of helping if something is wrong."

"I know that you would," Iduna added as they had reached the estate's door and stepped inside.

The estate was a well furnished building with every intention for any nobleman visiting the town of Farfoss to stay in. Upon walking into it, there was a series of stairs leading to a second floor that had a red carpet upon the steps. To the right of the stairs there was a living room with the finest handmade furniture that one could find, and to the left was a large dining room with a table to fit a large family.

As Agnarr started to walk up the stairs to put Elsa to bed, Iduna turned to Y/N. "Thank you for saving my daughters Y/N."

"It was no trouble, your Magisity," Y/N responded with a slight bow since he was before the Queen, also making a note to apologize to the King for not doing so in the woods earlier.

"Once I set Anna to bed, I'll get some refreshments for you, I'm sure you're hungry," She spoke softly.

Y/N nodded. "That would be wonderful, so long as it is not too much trouble for yourself."

"No trouble at all," Iduna smiled. "The living room is on the right, if you would like to sit. I'll be right back."

Queen Iduna then started to go up the stairs as well. Y/N went to the living room and took off his cloak and folded it up before setting it down on an arm to the sofa. He also took off his knife in its holder and set it on the table that was in front of the sofa. He then sat down onto the sofa and instantly fell asleep upon touching the soft fabric.

Iduna soon returned from putting her daughters to bed and checked to see if Y/N was still awake or not. Seeing that he had fallen asleep, she smiled from the doorway and left to find a blanket for Y/N to use for the night.

The birds chirped as the sunlight fell through the windows of the living room, hitting Y/N's face making him stir awake. He stretched his arms and back upon waking up, and saw the yellow blanket that covered him and figured that it was Iduna's doing. He then sat up, and looked around the room a little.

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