Chapter 4: The Accident

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It has been a year since Iduna told Y/N all about his mother, and how she knew Angelica. Knowing that Iduna was his mother's best friend deepened their bond. She was even able to return the cloak back into its previous form, undoing the alterations that Y/N had done, and make it into a coat for the boy. During the year, Y/N found life to become easier while in the castle, although it took a long while. There were times when he felt like he didn't belong there, but those were far and few at this point.

It was very early in the morning when Anna slid out of her bed and went over to Elsa's in their room as Elsa continued to sleep. "Elsa. Psst!" Anna whispered before climbing onto her sister's bed and onto her sister. "Elsa!"

Anna started to push on her sister, to wake her up. "Wake up. Wake up. Wake up!"

"Anna," Elsa sleepily groaned. "Go back to sleep."

Anna sighed before falling down on the bed in a swooning manner. "I just can't. The sky is awake, so I'm awake. So, we have to play."

"Go play by yourself," Elsa commented after a slight giggle, as she pushed Anna off of her.

The younger sister then fell off of the bed, hitting her bottom upon the floor. She thought for a quick moment, before getting an idea and smiling.

Anna climbed back onto Elsa's bend, and was back on top of her. She peeled Elsa's right eyelid back. "Do you want to build a snowman?" Anna asked Elsa, making the older sister open her eyes and grinned at her.

"Ok," Elsa responded as she got out of bed and put her slippers on as Anna did the same. While doing so, Anna had another idea.

"I'm going to get Y/N, too!" Anna exclaimed.

"Wait, Anna. I'm not sure if-" Elsa started as she then turned around to see that the door to their room was wide open as Anna opened the door to Y/N's room. "Anna!"

Elsa closed the door to their room behind them before going to Y/N's room as well. She stood next to Anna and looked to see that Y/N was sitting on the flat part next to the closed window in his room as the light came through it. He had a book in his lap along with a journal in his hands, as he was doing something in it.

Anna had walked up to him, and looked at what he was doing. "What are you doing there?" She asked.

Y/N jumped, since he didn't hear Anna come into his room or walk up to him. "Anna!" He whisper shouted. "You almost gave me a heart attack! What are you even doing up?"

"The sky's awake! We have to play!" Anna responded to the question.

"You should be asleep like Elsa," Y/N added as he then looked and saw Elsa there, who sheepishly waved at him. "E-Elsa! Your up as well?"

"Anna convinced me," Elsa answered as her eyes shed away before looking back at Y/N, with a little hope in her eyes. "Do you want to join us?"

Y/N thought about it, as he went over to the book and journal that had fallen onto the floor. He was writing about Calypso, Shipwreck Shore, the Northuldra, and Ahtohallan. It was what the legends and tales say about them, along with Iduna's information, and Y/N's theories. He couldn't explain it, but he thinks it is related to why the mist covered the Enchanted Forest, and why the Spirits disappeared. He also wants to know more about his mother, since Iduna told him that Angelica was already a village elder when she was a child.

"I'd love to join you," Y/N finally responded after putting the books onto his nightstand, and grabbing his compass. He never goes anywhere without it.

"Yay!" Anna exclaimed as she then grabbed Y/N's hand and started to drag him out of the room as she also took Elsa's hand. The three ran down the hallway and then down the steps to the throne room. "Come on! Come on! Come on!"

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