Chapter 11: The Ice Seller

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Y/N and Anna rode on their horse as they traveled to the location that Anna saw the smoke coming from, that would hopefully have some warmer clothes for the Princess as the night air grew colder. She did question how Y/N was not freezing and he explained that he was using his magic to warm himself up.

The two soon found a log  cabin that had light emitting from inside of it, and smoke coming from the chimney of the building.

Y/N tided the reins of the horse on a post that was in front of the building before he got off of the animal, with Anna then following him.

"How did you know this place was here?" Anna asked as Y/N put his compass away on his belt.

"I saw smoke coming from this direction the night we left the Kingdom to find Elsa," He told her. This was only half true, since the compass did have something different about it, that only Y/N knows of.

The two then walked up the steps in front of the cabin as there was a sign hanging off of the overhang roof, with a smaller sign that hung below the main one on the right side of it. Y/N tapped the sign to make it swing back and forth as the snow fell off to reveal the words hidden under it.

Wandering Oaken's Trading Post, The main sign read, as the snow then fell off of the smaller one. And Sauna.

"Ooh, 'And Sauna.' Bet it's warm in there" Anna read as she pulled her cloak closer to her.

"Hopefully they have some warmer clothes and if they've seen Elsa run past," Y/N added as he opened the door to Anna as she went inside first.

Y/N closed the door behind him as the warm air in the cabin hit them, making Anna sign in the nice warm feeling.

"Yoo-hoo," They heard someone greet them and turned to a large built man that sat behind the main counter of the trading post. He had a Scandinavian accent.

"Big summer blowout? Half-off swimsuits, clogs, and a sun balm of my own invention, yah?" He offered to them.

"Oh, great," Anna replied.

"Are you Mr. Oaken?" Y/N asked.

"Indeed, kind fellow," Oaken answered.

"Would you happen to have boots? And more winter suited clothing?" Y/N asked.

"That would be in our winter department," Oaken replied as he motioned to the part of the shop as the two looked over at it.

There was a singular rope hanging on a hook, along with an ice pick, a pair of boots, a women's dress that was folded up for the winter, and a pair of snow shoes made from rackets. The boots and clothing sat on a chair.

"Perfect," Anna added as she went to grab the clothes.

"Also," Y/N said as he turned back to Mr. Oaken. "Have you seen anyone travel this way recently?"

"Another young woman, the Queen perhaps?" Anna added as she came back over to the counter and put the items down.

"The only one crazy enough to be out in this storm is you two," Oaken explained as the door to the cabin then opened. They looked over and saw a man, covered in snow standing in front of the door he closed it behind him. "You two and this fellow."

"Yoo-hoo," Oaken greeted the man. "Big summer blowout?"

The mountain man walked up to the counter as Anna turned away from him and Y/N watched the man.

"Carrots," He said, making the two confused.

"Huh?" Anna asked.

"Behind you," The man added making Anna look below the counter top at the carrots.

Frozen: Electrifying Hearts (Elsa x Male Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें