Chapter 14: Cure for a Frozen Heart

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Elsa continued to sit on the bed that she had made for Y/N as he was still unconscious. She never meant to hit Anna or him with her ice. She wished that she could be in control of her magic, then none of this would have happened.

She got up from the bed as she started to pace around the room. "Get it together," She told herself as the ice walls had turned to a glowing red color instead of their previous blue. "Control it. Don't feel. Don't feel."

More ice was forming along the walls as it started cracking, making Elsa even more panicked than she already was. Icicles started to be formed from the ice along the walls as the weather started to become worse. 

Elsa turned back to Y/N as she saw his hair start to turn white, just a small portion of it, but it was enough to make her panic more than she already was. She turned away at the sight, not able to continue thinking about what will happen to Anna and him now.

Y/N groaned as he then slowly opened his eyes as he saw the red colored ice around him. "Elsa?"

Olaf was laying down on Sven's back as the ice seller and the reindeer were leading Anna and Olaf to the 'Love Experts.' The night sky was overhead as they wandered through the hills and valleys of the land. It was not dark out, as the Northern Lights danced in the sky above.

"Look, Sven," Olaf said as he pattered the reindeer's side to get him to see. "The sky is awake." 

Kirstoff and Anna were walking behind them as the Princess shivered as Kirstoff noticed.

"Are you cold?" He asked, concerned for her being.

"A little," She replied.

Kirstoff was going to wrap an arm around her to help warm her up, as he then decided not to since she was engaged already and the action could be taken as 'romantic.' He looked around to try and find another way to warm her up as he then saw a vent from an underground stream emitting steam.

"Uh... Wait. Come here," He told her as she show it to her with them going over to it.

"Ooh," Anna sighed in happiness with the feeling of warmth for a second before they continued on their way.

"So, uh, about my friends. Well..." Kirstoff started as he nervously chuckled. "I say 'friends'... They're more like family. Anyway, when I was a kid, it was just me and Sven. Unit they, you know, kinda took us in."

Anna was saddened to hear that Kirstoff and Sven were alone for most of his childhood, but she was glad to hear that he did find a family. "They did?"

"Yeah. I don't want to scare you. They can be a little inappropriate and loud," Kirstoff started to ramble to Anna. "Very loud. They are also stubborn at times, and a little overbearing. And heavy. Really, really, heavy. But you'll get it. They mean well."

"Kirstoff," Anna said as she put a hand onto his shoulder. "They sound wonderful."

"Okay, then," Kirstoff breathed as he then walked forward and turned to the group. There was a clearing behind him with a bunch of boulders. "Meet my family."

Olaf had gotten off of Sven as Kirstoff and the reindeer started to greet the boulders, as if they where alive.

"They're rocks," Anna commented, even though she felt something familiar about this place.

"He's crazy," Olaf whispered to her as Kirstoff continued. "I'll distract him while you run."

Olaf then started to wave and went over to one of the boulders. "Hi, Kirstoff's family! It's nice to meet you," He greeted as he placed his twig arm onto one.

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