Chapter 8: For the First Time

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It had been three years since the tragic passing of King Agnarr and Queen Iduna. In that time, and with becoming Elsa's personal guard, the friendship between Y/N and Elsa has blossomed even more from the one that they had when they were kids. After the passing, Y/N often stayed in Elsa's room for the night as she slept, to comfort her if she woke up in a panic attack with the fact they were gone. He would sleep in a chair that would be close to her bed. He never really needed a lot of sleep since he was never able to really fix his sleeping schedule from when he had to survive on his own.

Becoming Elsa's personal guard also meant that he was unable to spend the same amount of time as he used to with Anna. Anna understood this, especially with what Y/N had told her that Elsa still cares about her, but it still hurts her. She's not mad at him, but still wishes that she was that close with her sister again.

For the last few months, Gerda and Kai have been preparing Elsa for her role as the Queen of Arendelle, which she will have to take when she is twenty-one. And the Coronation for the new Queen has been prepared for over the last few weeks, where the gates would be opened.

This is why Y/N made sure to wake up at his normal time today. He knows that this will be a very hard day for Elsa. From all of the people, being in public for the first time in years, and seeing Anna for the first time in forever.

He did is normal morning routine before putting on his clothes. He was grateful that the personal guard to the soon to be Queen does not have to wear the Arendellen soldier's outfit as he prefers his black coat with yellow and purple highlights. It also means that he can move more freely and quickly, if someone were to dare try anything against Elsa.

The previous night, Kai had asked Y/N to wake up Anna since he had everything else to prepare for the Coronation and then the party to celebrate the new Queen after. After that, he had to do is normal walk through of the castle halls before going to see Elsa.

Once finished Y/N had left his room, with his saber on his belt and gone to Anna's as he knocked upon her door. "Anna?" He asked through the door.

"Huh?" She answered as it sounded like she was still waking up, or that he woke her up. Y/N could not tell for sure. "Yeah?"

"Sorry if I woke you up," Y/N then added.

"No, no, no, you didn't," Anna replied as Y/N heard her yawn. "I've been up for hours."

"Sure I didn't," Y/N said to himself as he then knocked again after hearing her snoring.

"Who is it?" Anna asked.

"Still me," Y/N answered. "The gates will open soon. You need to start getting ready or you will miss it."

"Of course. Miss what?" Anna asked.

"That's a good joke," Y/N replied, fully knowing that she was not joking and still had a sleep brain. "Joking about forgetting you sister's coronation. I'm going now."

"My sister's coronation," Anna said to herself as she sat in her bed with a very bad case of bed head as well. She looked at the elegant dress that was on a mannequin in front of her dressing screen.

"It's Coronation Day!" Anna gasped as she was now fully awake and got out of her bed.

She quickly tore out of her room after changing into the dress. Gerda was heading to her room to bring her breakfast as Anna took her hand was spun the older woman, as Anna's hand that held Gurda's was the center of the circle.

"It's Coronation Day!" Anna excitedly said before going about her way.

She saw the remaining staff of the castle opening the windows that have always been closed and then a door.

Frozen: Electrifying Hearts (Elsa x Male Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant