Chapter 37 Ruby is my Woman

Beginne am Anfang

"But what about our training?" I asked.

"Oh, we'll still be training, but you can train and be a good boyfriend too. Go find Ruby and just have some time alone together. Be the couple you always wanted to be."

"You think so?"

"Yeah, you didn't do all that just so someone else could tell you how to date, did you?"


"Then do it! Take Ruby on a date. Have a week of romance and fun, just the two of you!"

"What about the training?"

"Oh, you'll be working twice as hard," said Winter, putting a hand on my shoulder, "that way, your dates will have more meaning and value."

"Uh, thanks," I chuckled, "I guess I should see Ruby now?"

"She's not Ruby anymore," said Weiss, "she's your girlfriend, right?"

"Oh, wait, yeah, she is! I'll see you guys later!"

I left the school and headed straight to the apartment. I knocked on the door of Ruby's room, and she opened it. She looked like she'd been crying.

"Oh hey, Osckie," she sniffled, "shouldn't you be training at Beacon?"

"Yeah," I said, "I trained enough with Weiss and Winter, and I'm sure it's about to get even worse. I came here to see you."

"See me, why?"

"I wanted to be with you. Though if you're upset, then I can just wait."

"No, no, I'm fine, just...I don't know why Yang is so mad at me."

"Probably because we lied to her about our relationship status."

"Well, yeah."

"And the sex."

"Oh, pfft, that too," Ruby chuckled.

"Oh look," I cupped her face, "you're smiling. That's my first victory today."

"Aw, you couldn't beat the Schnee sisters?"

"I got a few hits in! But I got more hits dealt to me."

Ruby started laughing her sweet laugh, and I hugged her.

"Let's go on a date," I suggested.

"What right now?" she asked, surprised.

"Yea! You and I, let's go on many dates and fully enjoy being together! Let me show you who you're dating, Ruby Rose."

She smiled with tears, "OK. Let's go on a date."

"I love you, Ruby."

"I love you too, Oscar."

I pulled her into a kiss, and she giggled. I took her hand, dragged her to leave, and ran into Yang. She had her arms crossed and stared at us angrily.

"Uh, hi, sis," Ruby said nervously, "how are you?"

Yang rolled her eyes and walked past us. Ruby looked like she was about to cry again. I was mad; I grabbed Ruby's hand and pulled her into the hallway.

"Yang," I said sternly; she turned and gave me her evil eyes, "I know you don't like me and Ruby being together, but get used to it. You don't decide what we do in our relationship or with each other. I know you don't think I'm good enough for her, but what you think doesn't matter. Ruby is my woman, and I'm her man. I love her, and I'll do my best to make her happy or die trying!"

Ruby's POV:

I have the best boyfriend in the world.

Yang stared at Oscar angrily, then she scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Do what you want," Yang hissed, then entered her room.

I hugged Oscar's arm and started kissing him.

"Oh, Oscar, I love you," I sniffed.

"I love you too," Oscar said, kissing my cheek.

I grabbed his head and kissed him passionately.

"You wanna go out?" Oscar asked.

"Yeah," I said, moving my hair out of my eyes, "we can see a movie or something."

"That sounds great, maybe we can see-augh!"

I turned around and saw that all our teammates and friends had been watching us.

"Oh Oscar!" said Nora, then Coco, Velvet, and Neon tackled him in a hug while the guys laughed.

"First, 'Oscar is my man,'" said Weiss, "and now 'Ruby is my woman.' You guys were made for each other."

"Hey, you guys know what you two should do?" Nora squealed, bouncing up and down.

"What?" asked Oscar.

"You guys should have a whole week dedicated to your relationship! We can call it Rose Garden Week!"

"Rosegarden?" asked Ren.

"I'll explain it to you guys later. It makes so much sense. For now, the two of you will enjoy your time together. Let Rosegarden Week begin!"

Oscar and I looked at each other, smiled, and headed out for our date.

Oscar and I looked at each other, smiled, and headed out for our date

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Yang's POV:

Stupid farm boy.

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