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A/N: So here we are, the end of Seb and Lily's story. I'm really going to miss writing about these two. They've been a part of my daily life for almost a year now. Thank you to everyone who has read it, especially to those of you who have taken the time to vote and comment. It really does mean a lot to me. Knowing that people like my story inspired me to keep going when I felt like giving up sometimes. Anyway, all good things must come to an end. Over to Seb and Lily for one last time ♥️♥️

Melbourne, Australia
December 2026

Seb began to tap rhythmically on the wooden desk, staring at the glass of whiskey that Daniel had just placed in front of him. Should he drink it? Just the one wouldn't hurt, right? No more than one though, he didn't want to be smashed before he even arrived at the church.

"Just drink it!" Daniel said. "Your tapping is getting on my nerves."

"I'm shitting myself Daniel!" Seb told the Australian.

"I'd never have guessed. Just drink the whiskey. It will help calm you down. Listen to me, I'm your best man, I know what I'm talking about."

Seb wondered, not for the first time, whether asking Daniel to be his best man had been a mistake. Perhaps Fabian would have been the better choice. Fabian certainly wouldn't have left him chained naked to the railings onboard a yacht in Monaco harbour for hours on his stag night. Still, at least he'd get his chance to get his revenge in August when he would be best man at Daniel and Lieke's wedding.

"If you don't drink it I will," rhe Australian continued. Seb ignored him and looked around his hotel suite, his eyes coming to rest on the suit that was hanging up on the bedroom door.

Another wave of nausea washed over him. This was really happening. He was getting married. He glanced at the Rolex on his wrist. In three hours Lily would be walking down the aisle towards him, and they would become husband and wife. He grabbed the glass and downed the whiskey in one.

Daniel gave a chuckle. "I don't know why you're so worried. You and Lily have been together for what? Over four years now right? If she was gonna leave you she'd have left you already. She'll be there."

"You'll understand when it's your turn," Seb mumbled.

He stood up and headed into the bedroom and sank down onto the bed. His mind automatically turned to Lily and the first time he had seen her.

Nearly nineteen years ago he'd first laid eyes on the girl who would grow into the woman he loved above everything else. She'd been just fourteen, heartbroken and grieving. He'd been just twenty years old, and starting out on his career.

Neither of them had known what was in store for them, that between them they'd win six world championships, that they'd fall in love.

He knew he was the luckiest man in the world. Finally, three years after he'd proposed, the day of their wedding was here, and he felt as nervous as a teenager on his first date!

His phone buzzed on the bedside table, signalling an incoming text. He picked it up and smiled as he saw Lily's name on the screen. He opened the message.

Lily: Good morning Sunshine! I missed you last night. I'm so excited to see you later. I bet you'll look hot af in your tux. I love you so, so much. I can't wait to be your wife. ❤️❤️❤️

He tapped out his reply.

Sebastian: Good morning Schatz! I can't wait to see you either. I just know you'll look amazing. You always do. I'm a bit of a wreck to be honest. What if you change your mind? I love you more than anything ♥️♥️

The Limit (Sebastian Vettel)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin